Chapter 6

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Fuck." I let out a moan as I opened my eyes. There Lincoln stood, chains holding back each arm and leg bloody and wounded.

He was staring at Bellamy with cold, unforgiving eyes. The eyes you never want to receive from anyone. I looked down at my leg, which was the only thing held back.

It was only a short chain, so all I could do is sit down, lay down, or stand. Not much choices at all.

I was laying down, so I got up and looked around. It was just like the outside, medal and mostly plain, except for a few paintings.

Lincoln and Bellamy were now looking at me. Bellamy looked at me with sorry eyes as I looked at him with the same. Then Bellamy started walking towards me and Lincoln just freaked out.

Bellamy shot him a stare then looked at me. "How's your leg." I looked at him confused, why did he care about a wound he created.

I looked down at my leg which was now sewed closed and the wound wasn't bloody any longer.

I looked away from him as he looked at me. In the corner I saw Lincoln's sketch book that Lincoln wouldn't let anybody touch.

The sky people must have raided our whole hut. This just made me even more angry.

Bellamy's walked back over to Lincoln and looked him up then down. He shook his head then sat down in the corner.

Bellamy walked over to the corner and sat down. I hated being trapped and I hated it especially when they had my only friend trapped too.

Clarke climbed up the ladder and had red eyes with water pouring out of them. "You poisoned it!" She screamed at Lincoln holding up a knife.

I gasped. It was my knife that my mother gave me a long time ago. "You knew Finn was going to die this whole time." She spit. Bellamy got up. "What happened?" He asked confused.

"The knife he hit Finn with is poisoned, he going to die." She said through her teethe. Lincoln looked at me and I looked back at him with frantic eyes.

He shook his head as to tell me to be quiet. I Nodded my head then kept watching. Clarke pulled out several packets of antidote and put it in Lincolns face. "Which one." She yelled.

Lincoln stood there not talking. Bellamy turned to me. I know you can speak. He said. He took the antidotes from Clarke and held them in front of me.

"Tell me." He ordered. I looked at Lincoln and he was looking at me with wide eyes. I took a deep breath then looked away from him.

Bellamy shook his head then got a band and held it with his hand in a whip form. He was looking straight at Lincoln. "I'll make him talk." Bellamy said.

He went to Lincoln and tore off his shirt with a knife, exposing Lincoln's abs to the whole room.

At this point Octavia was in the room. "No." Octavia begged her brother with pleading eyes. He won't, was all that was running through my mind as Bellamy cranked his hand back with the leather.

A cracking noise was made and a whimper from Lincoln was heard. I gasped and tried breaking the chains to help him.

I pulled the chains as hard as I could, trying to free myself. It hurt my stomach to watch this happen to Lincoln.

"Please." Octavia begged him as he hit Lincoln's bare skin. After 8 whips, Bellamy dropped the leather. "He's not going to talk." He said through his teethe.

Clarke laid the antidotes out across the floor. "Which one." She asked him in a soothing tone. Lincoln just looked at Clarke with dead eyes.

If this was how the sky crew handled there problems, then Finn doesn't deserve to live anyway.

Raven climbed fast up the ladder, eyes swollen from crying so much. "Oh I'll make him talk." She said in an evil tone.

She walked over to these cables and pulled them out of the circuit. The electrical shock shined causing everyone's attention.

I gasped as I could feel my face heat up.

Flash back

"Mommy?" I asked. I was tired drowsy and my head hurt from being trapped in this medal cage. My mother turned to me and gave me a weak smile.

"When can we get out of these cages?" I asked her rubbing my eyes. She just stared at me with a forced smile trying to give me confidence. "Our time will come." Is all she said.

It had been 84 days in a medal cage up in mount weather. I now eat my food by having it injected into my arm. I'm 9 years old so they are a little kinder to me but they still treat me like an animal.

Day after day the mountain men come into this room filled with grounders and cages and pick the strongest out of all of us. When they get somebody out of a cage, they hang them upside down onto a machine.

There blood is taken away until they are completely dead. They ignore me since im so small, but they constantly look at my mother.

My mom puts her hands to the medal barrier separating us and puts her fingers through the holes. "Never." She says. "Never loose hope." She tells me with a serious face. I nod my head.

All of the sudden the doors to the room our pushed open and the men enter the room. I slide as far back as I can in my cage as they look from person to person.

"Her." The man says.

I look away not wanting to know who it is they have chosen. I slowly peek when I hear a cage opened. I gasp. "Mom!" I screamed as they dragged her out of the cage. They got out a stick and a shocking thing shined. They out it on my mothers bare skin and she immediately gave up.

"I love you baby." She says before letting go of the cage. Tears erupt from my face as they put something into her neck making her pass out.

"Mommy." I whisper.
Real life
"No!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as they shocked Lincoln with that terrible devise.

All eyes turned towards me as was crying. I felt so stupid as they all watched me break down. You are not suppose to show your enemies weakness, but I couldn't help it.

"Eva?" A voice asked from above me. I looked up to see Bellamy with concerned eyes.

I wiped my eyes and tried to get strong again. I looked at him with the strongest eyes that I could get out. Lincoln was dangling from the chains now his skin all red.

I looked towards Lincoln then looked at Bellamy with angry eyes then I sat down on the cold medal ground. I will never loose hope.
Sorry this is a shorter chapter! I just felt like that was something that we should end on for this week. Leave a vote! Thanks!

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