Chapter 11

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It has been 3 weeks since I have seen Bellamy. I can't be the reason that Bellamy dies, so I choose to ignore my feelings and stay away.

"Pass me the rope." Lincoln mumbled, deep into his work. I passed him the thin dark rope. "What are you doing anyway." I asked him.

"New rope for the trees." He answered quietly. I had completely forgot that we were about to attack on sky crew. When there's a war, everyone completely forgets about traitors. All people care about is winning against the main threat.

"Why are you fighting them? What about Octavia." I said simply.

He paused his work to look at me."why do you think I'm going out there? To protect her." I nodded my head realizing that I should've known that.

"Don't you have some meeting with Lexa or something." Lincoln said, trying to get me to leave. "Yeah." I groaned getting up.

"Goodbye." I said with a sigh. I climbed the ladder out of the hut and started walking to where Lexa sat. As hard as I tried to focus on how me and my people would win the war that's yet to come, my mind kept racing back to Bellamy.

His comforting hug, always worried about others and not only himself. He kind unlike my people. Hes sweet even though he tries so hard to hide that part of him.

I don't understand why I like him so much. He's suppose to be my enemy, but it's just so difficult to hate him.

Lexa's hut came into view and I rolled my eyes. Lexa is no commander. "Indra!" I yelled for her guard to let me in.

Indra's face was revealed through the curtains of her hut. "Lexa, Eva is here." I heard talking then Lexa commanded Indra to leave me and her alone.

"Come in." Lexa said sitting high and mighty on her throne. I went to my knee and placed my head down into a bow. "What is it you needed me for." I asked, head still bowed.

"Get up." She ordered. I listened and rose to my feet. "As you should know, we are about to fight one of our biggest wars in a long while." She told me.

"We need as much information about sky crew, and you should know more than us." She put her fingers together looking deep into my eyes. "Why would I know more?" I asked confused.

"Well you were in there camp, you must have heard something." I stood there ashamed. I really didn't know anything.

"Get out." She snapped at me. "I really didn't hear anything." I promised her. "Get out!" She yelled angrily at me. I agreed and walked out of her tent.

Bellamys POV

"I need everyone building the wall!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Our wall was done, but looked like it could snap easily.

"Bellamy you need to get in bed." Clarke ordered me. "I'm fine, the sickness is over." I snapped at her.

"Your our only hope Bellamy, if you can't shoot that gun then the whole plan is ruined and all of us will die." Clarke said annoyed at me.

"If I wasn't feeling good then I'd be sitting down, now stop trying to stress me out." I made Clarke leave.

"Bellamy get over here." Monty yelled at me. I ran over to him. "I found this knife, and it isn't ours." He informed me.

I flipped the knife over to see a big E written on it. I smiled remembering Eva. Looking up, I noticed that Monty looked concerned. "It mine." I answered him turning to walk away.

I was happy remembering Eva. She is so brave, but broken, and that part kills me. As the memories of her flow in, an awful thought crosses my mind.

'What if she's on the bridge when I have to blow it up?'

Eva's POV

My job for the day was to work with the young warriors. Although some aged at 6, this was more than the right time for them to know how to defend themselves.

"Ok kids." I yelled getting all of there attention. They all stood up straight and looked right at me. "As you know, a border between the sky crew and us has been placed." I looked around at everyone one of them.

"If you see anyone cross the border while training, report it to me, or Alex." I pointed to Alex the guy leading the kids with me.

"And I trust that you will not cross the border because you are not ready yet." I looked at Alex as to tell him to finish the speech.

I made my was through all of the kids in are village and out the fenced barrier.

I could hear Alex yelling the orders to the kids before he caught up to me and walked beside me. "So do you think there close to ready?" He asked me.

I looked at him. "Hopefully, we need all the people we can get." I sighed.

"Is it true that they captured you and held you captive until you escaped?"

I laughed a little. "Yeah, but it's not that exciting of a story."

"We have nothing better to talk about." He shrugged his shoulders.

I agreed then told him the story of what it was like in there camp but I left out my feelings for Bellamy, how much he didn't want me to get hurt, and how he wanted me to be safe.

I touched my necklace. This necklace now had two meanings to it.

We talked until we reached the training grounds, just outside of the barrier. I had the kids climb as fast as they could up the trees, and then to swing down on a rope just to get back to the top again.

Some kids were good and some were awful. Me and Alex were suppose to find the top three out of them to present to Lexa.

"The blonde girl is pretty good." He pointed to a very petite fast little girl.

I pulled out my journal then called her over. She ran over to me with a smile. "Hi Eva." She said in an excited voice.

"What's your name?" I asked her looking down at the paper. "Emily." She said in almost a squeak.

"Why are you so excited." Alex said with a grin. "Well ever since I could walk, I've wanted to be a warrior. This could be my chance." She said before running back to the kids.

"Cute." I mumble.

When I look back to Alex, he gone. "Alex?" I yelled confused. "Come here." He yelled from farther back in the trees.

I looked at the kids hesitant than ran to where he was. "I could hear someone walking around out here." He told me.

"You go that way I'll go this way." I told him walking in to the left. I walked with as much silence you can have in a forest filled with leafs.

The sound of a twig snapping made my head turn fast to the direction it was in. I put a hand on my knife to insure that it was there before walking closer to the noise.

"Eva." A familiar voice whispered. "Bellamy?" I asked. "Yeah it's me." He laughed a little bit. "But we need to talk now."

----------------------------------------------I'm so sorry! I know I haven't posted in a long time! I made this chapter longer than usually and I honestly wanted to keep going with it since things are going to start getting more intense. Thank you as always and please vote on this story or comment. It really helps me to know that your enjoying it! See you next Monday!

I Trusted You/ A Bellamy fanficWhere stories live. Discover now