Chapter 4

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I was walking back to my village, when I looked out in the open field. I gasped. "Lincoln?" I asked. There he sat next to the girl that Bellamy was talking to from earlier. She was passed out and wounded.

He only looked up at me. "We have to help her." I looked at him with confused eyes. How did he find her?

"Were you in the trees?" I asked him trying to figure out why he was out here. He looked at me as if he wished not to speak of it.

"I'll help." I told him with a smile. It looked like he had feeling for her. I smiled remembering how it felt to love somebody.

I headed down the very steep hill. The girl had a big gash on her head and one of her bones was displaced. "What happened?" I asked Lincoln.

"I found her passed out and hurt." He told me. He kept looking around us almost afraid. "Trust me, Lexa isn't still looking for you." I assured him.

The girl in front of me looked around the age of 17. I was 18 so she was close to my age, but age doesn't matter down here. Anybody will be killed and everyone is a warrior.

Red flares went off in the distance making me fall to my butt. I was a bit of a wimp when it came to jump scares. Especially when it was something I wasn't too sure about.

I saw Lincoln get up, then looked at the girl. She was awake and staring at Lincoln with big scared hazel eyes. Her eyes stayed open for about 30 more seconds before the pain hit her, and she passed out once more.

Lincoln seemed like he was completely unaware of the red fireworks going off. He just stared at the girl. "Lincoln?" I asked him, snapping him out of his trance.

"We need to get her back to the hut." He said picking her up. I didn't understand why he wanted to save this girl.

We headed into the tall grass as he carried the girl as if she was light as a feather. It was very dark out and was harder than before to navigate. It was still a long walk back to the hut.

I looked to Lincoln who had warrior markings all over the side of his face. His serious face made him look even more intimidating than he already was.

We walked in silence, not knowing what to say to one another. Finally the hut was in view. He opened the underground door and climbed down, careful not to hurt the girl.

I climbed down behind him than closed the door. "Who is she?" I asked him as he grabbed medicine to help her leg. "Octavia." I looked at him suprised.

"How do you know her, she's a sky person." I told him in confusion and disbelief.

He looked at me as to speak, but looked back at Octavia once more. "We need to help her." Is all he said.

He walked in the other room and I followed. Not knowing what else to do. He got a spear out and put it over the burning charcoals in the fire.

All of the sudden I heard a loud bang come from the other room. She was awake. I started to walk over to see what was going on but he stopped me.

"Let me handle this." He said, spear in his hand. I nodded my head agreeing. He walked into the room with the sphere and Octavia gasped. "No please." I heard the girl cry. She banged into the table before I heard a loud sizzle coming from the other room.

Lincoln came back in and told me that I could come in. He had fixed her broken leg. The only bad thing is that she was passed out once more.

"Come with me." He told me climbing the ladder to the outside. I followed and locked the door behind me.

"What?" I asked. "The sky crew will be coming at any minute to try and get Octavia. Go in the trees and watch." He ordered me.

He ran off in the distance to somewhere I couldn't see, due to lack of vision. I looked up the trees and sighed, I hated going in the trees at night. It was hard to see.

I climbed the tree. It was very hot, so I took off my shirt and was only in my sports bra and my shorts.

After an hour of nothing I started to here banging coming from the hut. I sighed, it was clear Lincoln didn't want her to see me so I couldn't go down there.

I got down from the tree. "Lincoln!" I called out walking where his footsteps laid. "Lincoln." I yelled again.

I heard footsteps in front of me and smiled knowing it was Lincoln. "I need you." I told him.

"Where the fuck is she." A familiar voice boomed from out in front of me. It was Bellamy, the boy with hazel eyes and frilly hair.

I took off running but in the opposite direction of the hut. I had nowhere to run to, since I couldn't show him where any villages where especially since Lexa was visited the one closes to me.

Something hit my leg as I fell to the ground. Blood oozed from my leg and I let out a cry. He shot me.

"Tell me where she is." Bellamy ran to my side holding a gun to my head. I stayed quiet, I wasn't going to give up my friend.

"I know you can speak." He yelled in my face. As i held my leg in pain, I remembered my pocket knife.

I quickly grabbed it and stabbed him in the hand he was holding the gun with. He dropped the gun and held his hand.

"Stupid." I muttered before grabbing the gun and aiming it towards him. I didn't know how to use a gun, but I knew what side the bullet came out of.

I never had seen this side of a sky person. They must really care for this girl. Bellamy sat there putting his hands through his hair.

"Who is she." I stuttered, taking Bellamy off guard. "My sister." He said in a tough voice. "She is safe." I told him.

I heard more footsteps coming towards this area. They were grounders. I dropped the gun and stepped on it, then I grabbed my knife and held it towards him.

Bellamy's tried taking my knife but I kicked him hard in the chest. He fell back and I held it at him again. The grounder watched me as he walked by, keeping a close eye on Bellamy.

Once the grounder was far enough away, I put the knife back in my pocket. "We're even." I told him, as I ran behind a bush. When he left I sat down and sighed.

I couldn't understand why I helped him, he was an intruder. He didn't deserve my help for shooting me.

I looked down at my bloody leg. "Fuck." I said as I took my shirt from my pocket. I tied it tightly around the wound to slow the bleeding.

Last thing I saw was the dark forest before falling asleep.
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