♡ Imagine 7 ♡

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It's the day you have been waiting for! Your boyfriend Luke is finally coming home today! You haven't seen him in what feels like forever! He's been on tour with One Direction for months but now he is finally coming home and you couldn't be more excited!

Luke thinks you're going to be in school when his flight gets in, but he doesn't know you're planning to surprise him at the airport.

You're laying in bed when your phone starts to vibrate. You look at your phone to find a text from Luke.

Luke: Good morning beautiful. Me and the boys are boarding the flight for Australia now. Its been such a long day and I'm exhausted I feel like my eyes are going to fall out... :( i miss you so much! I can't wait to see your gorgeous face again. Have a good day at school babe. I'll see you at home. I love you. <3 xx

You reply: Awe I'm sorry babe, i miss you so much too! I'll see you after school <3 i love you.

You look up Luke's flight and find out that they should be home around 2:00. You relax around the house until its time to get ready. You can barely contain your excitement! You've missed your boyfriend so much and it's been so hard without him at home. You've had a lot of drama between you and your friends at school and it's been really hard going through it without Luke by your side, to comfort you and make you smile.

It's 12:30 so you decide to start getting ready. You look through your closet trying to find something to wear. You know that even if you wore sweatpants and a sweatshirt, Luke would still think you look pretty but you want to look nice since you haven't seen him in forever. You do your makeup and get ready to head out the door.

On your way to the airport you decide to stop and get Luke some candy and snacks since he will probably be hungry, knowing him.

When you get to the airport it's almost 2:00 so you decide to just sit and wait.

15 minutes later your phone buzzes.
A text from Luke.

Luke: Hey babe. I just landed here at home. It feels so good to be back. I can't wait to see you when you get out of school. Text me later. I love you. xx

You get up and start heading toward the gate where Luke should be getting off and you text him back "So glad to hear you made it home safe! I can't wait to see you either!"

As you approach the gate and search the crowd as they are coming out, you spot Luke looking down at his phone, probably reading your message. He looks so adorable and exhausted. You can't believe he is right there in front of you, you've missed him so much. You fight the urge to run up to him.

Luke texts you back: I wish I could see you right now and just hold you in my arms :( xx

You text him back: You can. Look up babe. :)

Luke looks up from his phone looking confused and then you know he's spotted you because his face lights up.

"(Y/N)!" Luke yells excitedly and you run up to him. Luke drops his bags and opens up his arms for you. You jump into his arms with your legs wrapped around his waist in a big hug. He spins you around and then gently puts you down, looking into your eyes.

"You look so beautiful. Oh my god (Y/N) I've missed you so much! It feels so good to finally be with you again." Luke says. He kisses you softly on the forehead and you kiss him back on the lips. He reaches for your hand as you both walk out of the airport together.

You get home and you both lay on the couch to watch movies together. Luke has his arms wrapped around you with your head resting against his chest.

"Oh I forgot! I got you something!" You say handing Luke the snacks and candy.

"All my favorites! You know me so well. Thank you babe." Luke says kissing you again. You spend the rest of the night in Luke's arms.


Here's my new Luke imagine! Hope you liked it!

Vote and Comment any requests for new imagines! ♡

Thank you for reading! :)

- Nicole (@babaybluelukey) ♡

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