♡ Imagine 13 ♡

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It's Valentines Day and sadly its also a school day...you're boyfriend Luke is on tour in the UK and you're so happy for him but you also can't help but feel sad that you can't spend this day with him.

You go to school..dreading to see all the cute couples on Valentine's Day only making you miss Luke even more.

You're friends bring you chocolate and other treats to cheer you up which helps a little bit.

When school is finally over and you're back at home you just throw yourself down on the couch with your candy and watch some TV.

Ding dong.

Suddenly you hear the doorbell ring and making you jump.

"Who the heck could this be?" You say to yourself.

You swing the door open confused to find someone standing there with a large bouquet of flowers covering there face.

"Luke?" You guessed when you saw the skinny jeans and black vans. He moved the flowers from his face and revealed his bright blue eyes and flashing smile.

"Happy Valentines Day babe." He says as you pull him into a tight hug.

"I can't believe you're here!" You say, you're eyes tearing up from all the emotion and excitement flooding over you.

"I could never miss Valentine's Day with my girlfriend. I love you (y/n)" Luke says kissing you as you lead him into the house without disconnecting your lips from his.


Hey guys, I'm sorry this imagine was short and late for Valentine's Day. I've been so busy with school...so many projects and speeches and tests and quizzes lately..ugh.

Anyways I hope you had a lovely valentines day. I love you all so much!

Thank you for reading! I'll try to update more soon.

- Nicole (@babybluelukey) ♡

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