♡ Imagine 12 ♡

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So i went to the mall with a friend today and i actually saw A LOT of cute guys there, that rarely happens lol so thats where i got the idea for this imagine. Some of this imagine is what actually happened, except the part with 5sos being there sadly. :-(


You and your best friend go on a little trip to the mall, just the two of you. Today the mall is busier than usual because its the day after christmas.

The two of you walk like you're on a mission, weaving in and out of the crowds. But you also don't forget to scan the crowds for cute guys, pointing them out to each other as they walk by.

"Oohh theres a cute one (Y/N)!" Your best friend says to you excitedly, making you do a double-take toward the window of the store.

"Oh dang he's cute!" You say gushing.

The two of you continue on shopping., trying to hurry as your parents had told you to be home fairly soon.

You're quickly making your way to the last store that you wanted to look around at, with your friend trailing behind you.

As you're making your way towards the store you spot a group of 4 cute teenage guys standing together. They are definitely cutest guys you've spotted all night, maybe ever. They were all pretty tall compared to you so you couldn't miss them.

You made sure not to stare as you continued to walk towards them. As you quickly walked past them you noticed that they stopped talking.

You were past the group of guys when you heard,

You looked over your shoulder to see the tanner boy of the group with fluffy dark hair waving at you.

You usually don't talk to random guys but something came over you. You stopped dead in your tracks and the boy started to walk towards you.

"Hey, my name's Calum. My friend over there, he's kinda shy but he says you're gorgeous." He said, pointing to his tall blonde friend who shyly looked away as you looked at him.

"Oh" you say blushing, not sure what to say. No guy had over done this to you before.

"Would you like to go meet him?" Calum asks you politely, leading you to his friend.

"Yes she would!" You best friend answered for you, winking.

"Thanks girl." You whisper to your friend. Sometimes you don't know what you'd do without her.

"So this is my friend Luke" Calum says introducing you.

He introduces you to Ashton and Michael as well and then your friend starts to chat with the two of them.

"Sorry, I don't think I got your name..." Luke says to you shyly.

"Oh right! Sorry, I'm (Y/N)."

"That's a pretty name." Luke says smiling at you.

"Thank you." You say smiling back, blushing.

Your friend comes back over to you, patting your arm.

"(Y/N), we gotta go. Our parents are gunna kill us!"

"Oh my god, yeah we meed to get out of here!" You say realizing what time it is. "I'm sorry, Luke. We have to go." You say trying not to be rude.

"Wait, will I ever see you again?" Luke says nervously.

"How bout I give you my number?" You say trying to hurry. You gesture for him to give you his phone.

He hands you his phone and you add a new contact with your name and number and then hand him back his phone.

"Thanks (Y/N), I'll text you." He says a little more confidently.

"Okay! Bye Luke! Nice meeting you!" You say waving goodbye as your friend pulls you away quickly through the crowd.


New luke imagine!! :D hope you liked it!

But ya me and my friend saw a group of cute guys and when we walked by them i heard one of them say "hey" but we just kept walking away... Lol woops

Anyways thank you so much for reading!

I love when you guys find me on twitter and tweet me how much you like my imagines :) it makes my day and really makes me enjoy writing these imagines even more knowing that they make you guys happy! ♡


Thank you! Love you all so much!

- Nicole (@babybluelukey) ♡

Luke Hemmings Imagines (vol. 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن