Chapter 2

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"Hey Dad."

"Adrien?" Gabriel Agreste called, but gasped when he saw that it wasn't Adrien, but instead was a girl that looked like him, "....M-Melodie? You came back..."

"Yeah." Melodie said.

"But... You came back... Why?"

"I've actually been back for the past few months. Ever since you were arrested for being Hawk Moth." Melodie crossed her arms.

"Look, that was only so that we could be together again. You, me, Adrien, and you mother." Gabriel stood up and held the bars.

"Well, that sounds like such an innocent idea. But you were willing to kill the love of Adrien's life. Do you know what that could've done to him?"

"I was doing what was best for our family." Gabriel said, "that Marinette girl was just getting in the way. Ladybug had to be eliminated forever before she becomes the only aspect of Adrien's life."

"What are you trying to get at here?" Melodie crossed her arms.

"Haven't you thought about it?" Gabriel asked. "He's replacing you with Marinette."

"I don't believe that." Melodie narrowed her eyes at him.

"Oh, but you must. Get your head out of the clouds and back into reality. Realize your place in Adrien's life."

Melodie loosened and looked at the ground.

"But your place in my life, my child, you are my only hope." Gabriel reached out to her, and held her hand, and she didn't pull away, "your mother refuses to see me, and Adrien shows nothing but hatred towards me. But you, I had no idea you would come back. And as the Butterfly, nevertheless."

"How did you know?" Melodie asked.

"After losing my Miraculous, who else would it have gone to?" Gabriel shrugged.

"You're lying. It could've gone to anyone."

"You're a bright young girl." Gabriel chuckled as he paced back and forth in his cell, "I love you, Melodie. I have all these years, and I was treating Adrien with extreme caution, hoping I don't lose him the same way I lost you."

"So what now?"

"I want you to let me out. Then we can work together to eliminate everyone, so that only the two of us could rule the world. It's a win-win."

"And what about Adrien and Mom?"

"They can choose their sides." Gabriel replied, "so, do we have a deal?"

Melodie looked at him,

"Why should I work with you?"

"Because I trust you. Shouldn't you trust me?"

Melodie thought hard, and walked out without another word.


"That's a shame. I feel bad. We really should've waited for her." Marinette said as she, Adrien, Alya, and Nino left the theater.

"Don't feel bad. She didn't respond to any of my texts and she didn't call back. I can talk to her later." Adrien said.

"Dude, did she say where she was going?" Nino asked as he wrapped his arm around Alya's shoulders.

"She never said." Adrien scratched his neck, "she just said she was going somewhere before we came here."

"Look! There they are!"

The four friends turned to see a little kid pointing to Marinette and Adrien.

"It's Ladybug and Cat Noir!" The kid beamed and ran up to the two, "you two are the best! Can I have an autograph?"

"I'm sorry to bother you two... He's only eight., but still a huge fan." The mom of the boy chuckled as she took his hand and started slowly pulling him away, "say bye."

"No!! I want an autograph!! And a picture!!" The boy cried as he tried to pull away from his mom.

"It's okay. We have time for an autograph and a couple pictures!" Marinette laughed as she and Adrien shifted their attention to the boy.

"Really? Oh, okay then." The mom smiled as she let go of the boy's hand. The boy laughed as he ran up to Marinette. She picked him up and held him as Adrien held out his hand for the boy to high-five.

"Smile!" The mom announced as Adrien wrapped his arms around Marinette and the boy, and they posed and smiled for the camera.

"Thank you so much." The mom smiled.

"No problem! It's so nice to meet you! My name's Marinette, and this is Adrien." Marinette introduced herself and Adrien to the boy, "what's your name?"

"Gabriel!" The boy smiled as he held out a paper and pen, "can I get your autographs?"

"Of course!" Marinette smiled as she took the pen and signed the paper, "here." Marinette turned to Adrien and handed him the pen. He smiled and nodded as he signed the paper.

"It was awesome meeting you... Gabriel." Adrien smiled as Gabriel waved to them and walked off with his mom.

"You two are really famous! It's so awesome!" Alya giggled.

"Adrien? Are you okay?" Marinette asked as she looked at his face. She moved her hand to feel his cheek, "you look pale."

"His name was Gabriel." Adrien said sadly, "I'm sorry, but I really can't bear to hear that name anymore... After what he had done to you..."

"Hey, that was past, and things are back to normal now. And we're here. Alive. So you don't have to worry about anything."


"Promise." Marinette smiled and nodded. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into a hug.

"Hey... Uh, guys? I found Melodie." Nino called. Marinette and Adrien returned back to the two and looked around.


"Up there." Alya answered as she pointed to the top of a building. Marinette and Adrien turned and peered against the sun's rays at the Butterfly standing before them. She jumped down and stood up in front of Adrien.

"Mel?" Adrien asked as he took a step forward, but she simultaneously took a step back.

"Adrien." She narrowed her eyes at him, "we need to talk."

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