Chapter 7

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"Clair... Raven... Melodie... Agreste..." Marinette scrolled through the results she found on the said names, then yanked at her hair, "agh, nothing! The descriptions here tell me that they're ordinary people!"

"Well..." Tikki shrugged, "we both know Melodie isn't, but maybe Clair is a normal human being who just so happens to have a grudge against you and Adrien?"

"Yeah, that sounds very unlikely..." Marinette frantically bit at the nail of her thumb, "that boy blows my fuse..."

"You're just getting easily irritated by him. So don't let him bother you and stay focused on the matter at hand, Marinette..."

"You're right..." Marinette let out a frustrated sigh as she checked her watch and stretched, "it's getting late. We should head back."

"There's no one here." Tikki looked around then followed Marinette out the door, "you know, you should patrol through New York."

"Yeah, not happening." Marinette stopped at a red light and crossed her arms, "can you imagine the media in the states and in France blowing up the news that Ladybug's in America? That wouldn't be good for us."

"What if Adrien's looking for you too? Go out as Ladybug, and he'll know its you."

"Mm..." Marinette shut her eyes and looked up at the large advertisement boards that lined the streets and buildings, imagining her face on every one of them, "how about we wait..."


"Does she need a push?"

"Nah, she'll do it all on her own, trust me." Butterfly stood on the ledge of the building, "don't tell me you're developing feelings for her, Star Raven?"

The boy laughed as he twirled his staff in the air, "you're not very observant. I've had feelings for all this time, which is why I'm doing this for you. You get Adrien, and I get Marinette. That's the done deal, isn't it?"

"Don't get so carried away, Raven." Gabriel Agreste, himself, walked up to the two of them, "the two of them remain in New York, correct?"

"Heh. I know that."

"So until we can take their Miraculouses, keep them here." Gabriel narrowed his eyes at the boy, "am I clear?"

"As mud."

"Hmph..." Gabriel rolled his eyes and walked over to Melodie, "you'll get Adrien back?"

"Definitely." She smirked and crossed her arms, "with our new plan in effect as we speak, I think the rest of this'll be a walk in the park. But when's the actual action and fun going to happen?"

"Patience, child." Gabriel sighed, "those two will make it happen. Just wait."


"So what's going on in Paris right now? Shouldn't we be heading back?"

"No." Marinette smiled as she held Adrien's arm tighter, "I really think we should just move to the states. It seems way better than Europe."

Adrien stared at her in shock, "are you even hearing yourself? Our families and friends are in Paris! You're willing to leave it all like that?"

"Of course." Marinette shrugged, "if it means being with you, Adrien my dear sweetheart!"

"'My dear sweetheart'?!" Adrien stared at her, "are you okay?"

"Of course I am! What are you talking about?"

"You don't call me that..."

"Well I do now, my dearest Adrien!" Marinette smiled sweetly, "c'mon, where do ya wanna go first? The Statue of Liberty, the Bronx Zoo, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Central Park?"

"No, Marinette, we need to go back to Paris."

"Sh." She put her finger on his lips, "we're staying here, okay? All the Akumas are gone, so Paris doesn't need me anymore."

Adrien pursed his lips and looked around, "okay, fine. Two days."

Marinette smiled to herself. Trust me, Adrien. That's more time than I need.

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