Chapter 8

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"Oh my gosh look! It's Ladybug!"

"Ladybug?! Nuh-uh, where?!"

"You see her? There! I can't believe it! I heard Adrien Agreste was in town, and Ladybug's here too?!"


Ladybug rolled her eyes, "this is exactly why I didn't want to do this in the first place..."

She glanced down from the building she stood on top of and spotted crowds and crowds of people, some with cameras and microphones. Press... Of course. No way I'm getting caught up in that! She tossed her yo-yo and quickly got away from the scene. As she swung and leapt from building to building, she looked around for Adrien, not recognizing anyone. Except for the familiar head of red hair inside the Raven Law Firm. She scoffed with disgust and turned the other way, "this is impossible, how do we even know he's still in New York?!"

"Are you talking to yourself now, M'Lady?"

Cat Noir!

"Adrien!" Ladybug turned around, then froze. Sure enough, it was Cat Noir.

"Hey, Mari." Cat Noir smiled, "didn't realize I'd find you here, then I saw the news today and I came straight here."

"Wow..." Ladybug stared at him, "so, uh, where've you been?"

"Touring New York with my sis." Cat Noir crossed his fingers, "you know, she and I are like this."

"I can imagine. Listen, Cat, have you ever heard of anyone named Clair Raven?"

Cat Noir tapped his chin, "mm Clair Raven? Never. Why?"

"He's just a flirty brat that most likely stalks me and is sketchy as fries..." Ladybug crossed her arms and bit her thumb nail as she gritted her teeth just at the thought of him, "he makes my blood boil..."

"See, uh, look, Mari, I've been meaning to talk to you." Cat Noir walked up to her and put his hand on her shoulder, "I found someone else."

Ladybug stared at him, "What do you mean 'someone else'..."

"And it looks like you have, too." Cat Noir's normally bright look darkened, "I saw you with Clair Raven all around New York."

"What?! He's following me!" Ladybug practically shouted, "that son of a nuthead is insane!"

"Yes, so I don't think I can stay with you."

She suddenly slapped Cat Noir's hand off her shoulder.

"Please don't be mad."

"Oh, I'm not mad." Ladybug cracked her knuckles, "why would I be mad? That a man could take my boyfriend's identity and walk around New York City like he's some big-shot."

"What are you talking about, Mari?! I'm me!"

"Don't play with me, I'm not stupid." Ladybug glared at him, "you play him nicely. But you should know that someone who's really in love with a man can know that man really well. Adrien's eyes are further apart, you made his nose too big, his hair is softer than that, his eyes are a darker green, and he's a few inches taller."

"You're going insane, Marinette!" Cat Noir waved his hands in the air.

"Oh please, I knew from the moment I laid eyes on you, you're not Adrien. And I would know!"

"Tch! Fine! Say what you want!" Cat Noir grabbed his hand, "cataclysm!"

He's got Adrien's Miraculous, too... Then... Ladybug looked at his ring. Could it be... An Akuma?

She gripped her yo-yo then threw it at Cat Noir, who simply hit it out of the way with his staff, "so just who are you, really?"

"I already told you!" Cat Noir ran up to her with his claws out, grabbed her by the neck, and threw her into the concrete, "I'm Adrien Agreste, the man that you love. But news flash, he's gone. He's already off to Paris and didn't even have a second thought about you. Isn't that a pity?"

"That's not true!" Ladybug yelled, "he's still in New York, I know it! And there's nothing you can do or say that can make me change my thoughts about him! So cut with that crap and stop with this ridiculous act!" She quickly moved out of the way before his cataclysm could hit her, and instead, it hit the ground beneath them, destroying the entire building's roof and making it cave in.

"What the..." Cat Noir jumped up and extended his staff so he stood on it without falling in, "ha. You're pretty quick."

"Of course." Ladybug crossed her arms as she stood on the ledge of the building, "now give me your Miraculous, Cat Noir! I don't know how you got your dirty mitts on it, but you're clearly not the rightful owner!"

Cat Noir smirked a sly, evil smirk as he gazed down at the street below him, "I'll pass."

"What... Wait, what are you--?!"

"Come join me soon, Ladybug. But I'm not telling you anything." He leaned back and slowly free-fell from the building's ledge.

"No!!" Ladybug stared in horror. She knew he wasn't Adrien. The real Adrien. But it still shocked her to see this scene unfold. She jumped over to the other side and looked over the edge. Sure enough, there he was, dead on a smashed car. People had come running to see him, check on his condition, and some with cameras. Ladybug covered her mouth and slowly moved away, then threw her yo-yo and swung off as his words echoed threw her mind.

Come join me soon, Ladybug...

But I'm not telling you


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