Chapter 6

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"Ah, this is our stop!" Marinette jumped up from her seat on the bus and leapt down the steps until her foot hit the sidewalk. She strolled down casually and entered the large building with the sign displaying the words "New York Library". She was amazed at how big it was.

"Well, looks like a place as big as this should have a computer." Tikki looked around as awed as Marinette was.

"Well." Marinette shrugged, "let's go see for ourselves."

With that, she headed to the information desk, where the woman directed her to where the computers were. There was a sheet she needed to sign in with, however. She pursed her lips and thought for a moment.

"What are you waiting for?" Tikki whispered, "just put your name down!"

"I don't know..." Marinette whispered back, "I'm not from here..." She turned back to the sheet and scribbled down the name 'Clair Raven', "sorry, Clair. I really owe you one for this." She chuckled, then turned on her heel to use an open computer.

"So what are you going to search for first?" Tikki flew out and sat next to the keyboard.

"Well... I should probably search up Adrien's name?" Marinette suggested, "that's probably not going to get me anywhere."

"You're probably right." Tikki nodded in agreement, "why don't you look up something more popular, like Cat Noir?"

"Sure." Marinette typed in the name on the search bar, and what came surprised her, "are we..."

"Wow!" Tikki giggled, "you two are famous here in the states, too? That's cool!"

"That's not what we're looking for... Hang on..." Marinette skimmed through the results, "you're kidding. Fanfiction? That's ridiculous. Wait, stay on track." She moved the mouse over different results until she found a news article.

"'Cat Noir sighted in Queens'? That's great." Tikki crossed her arms, "that was yesterday, too."

"Where could he be, now?"

"Hey, you're looking for Cat Noir?" A voice asked from behind her.

"Yeah." Marinette replied as she turned to face the man, "we've, uh, kinda been... Are you serious?"

It was Clair.

"Wow, you must be following me or something." Clair chuckled, "heh, what a coincidence running into you, here."

"What are you doing here?" Marinette muttered.

"Me? Ah, well I was coming here to do some research as my computer back at the office is being repaired." Clair shrugged, "plus, I was looking for a nice book to read while I was here. Now, you never told me what you're doing looking for a French superhero here in the states. You know him or something?"

"Well..." Marinette fiddled with her fingers, "it's complicated. But--"

"Ah, it really is, isn't it?" Clair skipped around her and chuckled, "heh, you're searching for a superhero here in the states even though you're from the same city as him. But New York is clearly where you're from, isn't it?"

"Well, no..." Marinette peered at him, "how do you know about Cat Noir and where he's from?"

"Oh please, I do my research." Clair shrugged, "info broker? Yes, well, only part-time. But how could anyone here not know Cat Noir and Ladybug. I mean, you saw all the fanfictions, they practically have a live fanbase here. You'd be surprised."

"Oh I am." Marinette rolled her eyes, "they're not that great."

"Oh?" Clair laughed, "you, my Marinette, know how to get my buttons going. You make me laugh. You don't think..." He leaned down closer to her and whispered in her ear, "that if other people find out that you're Marinette Dupain-Cheng, that'll tell them that you're Ladybug?"

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