Chapter 5

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"I like this one." Tikki tapped the screen, "it really brings out the color of your eyes."

"No. It's too long."

"Long skirts are always the cutest, you know." Tikki giggled, "the color is so perfect, too."

"No, Tikki. Why are we even worrying about this now?" Marinette set her phone aside, "looking at dresses isn't really my number one priority. I really should be figuring out where Adrien could be."

"Relax, Marinette. You'll find him." Tikki smiled comfortingly, "so where is this plane landing?"

"New York." Marinette sighed happily, "I've always wanted to go to New York... See the city for myself."

"Well, here's your chance! I hear New York also has some nice dresses you can--"

"Tikki..." Marinette groaned, "again, we're not here to get a dress."

"You're right." Tikki sighed, "it'd be better if you chose a dress if you were with Adrien."

Marinette just chuckled and rolled her eyes.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please put all your possessions under your seat or in the overhead cabinets. We are now preparing to land in New York. Thank you for riding French International Airlines. Bonjour, Madames et Monsieurs. S'il vous plait, mettez-les sacs a main sous vos sieges ou dans les armoires. Nous atterrirons prochainement a New York. Merci d'avoir choisi French International Airlines."

"We're here!" Tikki cheered as she and Marinette gazed out the window at the view of New York.

"This is awesome!" Marinette smiled as the plane landed.

Everyone on the plane got off and walked through the airport to get their luggage, Marinette following not too far behind.

"Where do you plan on starting first?" Tikki asked as Marinette left the airport with her luggage and backpack.

"I'll get a hotel, then do some research." Marinette said as she dragged her bag behind her.

"Research on what? Where are you even going to start?"

Marinette only sighed as she stepped outside the airport, "I don't know, Tikki... Let's just go." She slung her bag onto her back and walked down the busy sidewalk, "wow, this place is definitely what I dreamed of seeing here!"

"It's New York, of course that's how it's going to be." Tikki giggled.

"Yeah, you're right." Marinette laughed, until she carelessly bumped into someone, "oh I'm sorry..."

"Hm?" The boy turned around. Marinette stopped and stared at him. She honestly didn't mean to, but she never realized she was. He was about her age, maybe a year older, with red hair and bright blue eyes, "heh, be careful where you're walking."

"I'm sorry, I'm just visiting, I'm not from here." Marinette muttered, giving a very confidence-lacking smile.

"Oh, well, heh, welcome to New York." The boy grinned, "where are you from?"


"Ah! Paris! Heh, the city of love?"

Marinette scratched the back of her neck, "ah, well, you can say that."

"Can I get a name?"

"Hm? Oh, it's, ah, Marinette." She inwardly slapped her face at the stutter in her voice. Speak normally, you moron!

"Well, it's lovely meeting you, Marinette. My name is Clair Raven." He bowed charmingly before her, making her chuckle. He then pulled out a small business card, "here's my number if you need anything at all. I work at the Raven law firm just down the street from here. I'm actually on my lunch break."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll get out of your way." Marinette stepped to the side.

"No, don't worry about it." Clair grinned, "heh, it was a nice time chatting with you, Miss Marinette." He bowed one last time to her before slipping his hands in his pocket and walking off in the direction he pointed his work was at.

"Wow..." Marinette smiled, "he's nice."

"Marinette, focus!" Tikki tapped Marinette's shoulder, "we need to go find a hotel and look for Adrien, remember?"

"Oh, yeah, yeah." Marinette shook her head, "gosh, what am I thinking?"

They finally made it to a nearby hotel not too far from the Raven Law Firm that Clair pointed out to her. She checked in and headed up to the room she'd been assigned.

"Whoa!" Marinette dropped her bag on the floor of her room, "this is a room for one person? It's so big! And for a cheap price, too!"

"Uh, excuse me, Ma'am?" A woman followed her inside, "I'm room service. If you need--"

"The room is so big! Are you sure this is for one person?"

The woman blinked at Marinette, "y-yes? This isn't even one of our nicest suites..."

"It's amazing! Hotels in Paris are only half this size!" Marinette spun around with her arms open, "this is so much space!"

"Ah, well..." The woman chuckled nervously, "if you need anything, you can just call on the phone on your table there."

"Alright! Thank you!" Marinette grinned as the woman left, shutting the door behind her, "Tikki, this is awesome!"

"Focus, Marinette..." Tikki rolled her eyes.

"Oh crap, I don't have a computer, and my phone's dead..." Marinette plugged in a charging cord into the wall and stuck it into her phone, "guess we'll have to go find a place that might have a computer."

"How about the library?" Tikki suggested as Marinette pulled out a pamphlet of the city.

"Not a bad idea." Marinette shrugged as she grabbed her purse from her backpack and went to leave, "let's go Tikki. Maybe we can get something to eat on the way down."

"No problem!" Tikki giggled as she flew into Marinette's purse and they left to find a library.


"You are such a playboy."

"But if you think about it, I take her off of Adrien's hands, she won't be in the way of you two, isn't that right?" The redhead sighed, "heh, I was given a mission. You never said I couldn't have a little fun with her."

"You pervert."

"Well, not that far, of course. We'll see where this fast train of life takes us, heh." The boy laughed loudly as he traced random shapes with his fingers and shadows in the air, "well won't this be a treat, wouldn't you say, Melodie? It's a win-win!"

Melodie rolled her eyes, "whatever. I'm just so done with this whole Ladybug and Cat Noir tag team. They're so last year, they need to be updated."

"Heh, and how do you go about doing that, now, my dear Mel?" He slowly approached the blonde and ran a finger down her face.

"Don't touch me." She spat, "if you're going to go flirting with everyone out there in New York, what's so special about me, heh?" She mocked his voice, which made him laugh even more.

"You're such a naive little girl. I love all women. That's just that. But I have special places in my heart for very few. You, for example."


The boy laughed even more, holding his sides, "you make me laugh. Sooner or later, however, Marinette and Adrien will be out of the picture, and we'll only have each other. Heh, sounds like music to my ears already."

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