Chapter 4

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"Where... Where am I..." Adrien groaned as he tried to sit up. His eyelids fluttered open, then he took in everything he could recognize. But there was nothing. He was sitting in an empty room, "Plagg? Plagg!!"

No response.

"Dang it..." Adrien looked around, "Marinette!" Adrien suddenly felt like he was missing something, "wait a sec..."

He looked down at his hand, and his Miraculous was gone, "no way..."

"Adrien. It's been a while. How've you been?"

Adrien turned around and saw none other than Gabriel Agreste himself walk through a door.

"What the heck?! How'd you..."

"It was me."

Adrien's eyes opened wide as Melodie followed behind his traitorous father, "Mel?! How... How could you?"

"We want to create a world in which we can be together forever, with no distractions, and no people to interfere. Like Marinette. You two are way too close."

"Melodie! What's Father done to you?! Do you even realize what you're saying?! Snap out of it!"

"Adrien. I came to him myself. And I see his purpose. Ladybug has just been a distraction to you. You never even knew I existed."

"Hey! May I remind you, you're the one who left!"

"Enough you two." Gabriel stopped them, "Adrien." He walked up to him, then suddenly stuck him with a needle.

"What the--"

"Here." Gabriel then pulled the needle away, took Adrien's hand, then placed his ring in the palm of his hand, "now go. I don't want to hear another word out of you."

Adrien stared blankly at his father, then at Melodie, as he rubbed his now-sore arm.

Something's awfully wrong here... They wouldn't just let me go like this... Adrien thought to himself as he walked past the two, and out the door.

"Are you sure that was a good idea?" Melodie asked her father after Adrien left.

"I'm sure it will work. And I'm also sure that obtaining Marinette's blood will be just as easy. Watch. Star Raven."

The same dark boy from before Adrien was taken suddenly appeared before the two, "Monsieur Agreste?"

"Here." Gabriel held out the needle with Adrien's blood, "this is Adrien's."

"And Ladybug's?"

"We're still in need of her blood. But I'm sure you can easily attain it yourself?"

"Hmph." The boy crossed his arms, "the deal was that I would perform the ritual, you bring me the materials."

"Yes. But think about it, my boy. How could we trust you and your little ritual if we don't know if you're really capable of attaining a little drop of blood? I mean, a lad not even willing to take up this simple mission is lower than weak, if you ask me, hm?"

The boy stared at him, then gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, "fine. I'll go. And I'm telling you this now... I am stronger than you think I am. Don't underestimate me."

"I would never think of it, Star Raven." Gabriel smiled.

"Hmph." The boy, known as Star Raven peered down at his left hand, looked at the glowing star at the center of his palm. He clenched his fingers over it, then vanished.


"How could this be?!" Marinette asked Alya as the two of them... Followed by Tikki... Walked down the sidewalk towards Adrien's house, "where is Melodie?! No, more importantly, where's Adrien?"

"They think the two of them left. The police do, I mean. They're not so sure. From what they've collected, the two completely left Paris." Alya explained.

"Well, wherever he is, we need to get him back! Tikki!" Marinette called out, and her Kwami flew out, "Hey. Think you can track wherever Plagg or Adrien is?"

"What do you think I am, a GPS?" Tikki crossed her arms, "sorry Marinette, but us Kwami don't have all that."

"Darn. Then I don't know where to start." Marinette sighed as they approached the Agreste household, "Mrs. Agreste?"

"Marinette!" Melanie ran out from the kitchen, "Oh Lord thank God you're okay! I heard what happened, and I came to visit you every day. Although they still couldn't find Adrien."

Marinette looked at her sadly, noticing her tear-stained face, "Don't worry. I'm going to go find him. And when I do, I'll bring him back to us."

"I know you will." She smiled and gave her a hug.

Now... The only problem is where I'm going to start... Marinette thought, then sighed, "Okay. We'll be headed out. Gotta find those leads, you know?"

"Yeah. Go." Melanie nodded.

"So, where do you plan on starting?" Alya asked Marinette once they got out.

"Not sure... It's not like I just woke up from a coma or anything..." Marinette rolled her eyes.

"Well, they did say he wasn't even in France anymore..."

"I know..." Marinette thought out loud, "They must be... No, it can't be... What if..." She turned to Alya, "what if they're in the states?!"

"Whoa, are you saying..."

"I'm going! Then I'll find him. No matter how hard or elaborate this plan may sound. I will get him back. I made a promise, and I'm going to keep that promise."

Alya stared at Marinette, then smiled and nodded, "You go then. As Ladybug."

Marinette nodded in response, then ran home to get packed. An hour later, she swung her backpack on her back, then sighed as she stood outside her apartment building, getting ready to get on a bus to the airport, "In fairy tales, the prince always saves the princess." Marinette paused, looked down at her phone at the time, and couldn't help but notice her wallpaper: The selfie she took as Ladybug with Cat Noir. She smiled to herself as she looked back up, "But in this case, it's the princess' turn to save the prince."

With that, she boarded, and the bus took off for the airport.


Next time on "Miraculous : Revive":

"Where did you say you saw him last ma'am?"

"Oh, Cat Noir? You don't want to know."

"But I do." Marinette bit her lip to keep from yelling. She just needed to find Adrien as soon as possible.

"Oh no, but you don't. You see, Cat Noir was last seen attacking a small city. Westchester." The elderly woman nodded.

"Westchester?" Marinette questioned, "Uh, you see, I'm not really from here, so can you please tell me where exactly that is?"

"Oh!" The woman smiled, "Westchester? Just on the southern tip of New York!"

"New York?!" Marinette gasped under her breath, "Thank you!"

"Oh you're welcome deary!"

Marinette walked away, talking rapidly to Tikki, "Wow, Tikki! I've only heard of it until now, and now we're going there!"

"It's really hard to believe, isn't it?" Tikki giggled.

Marinette nodded, then pumped her fist in the air, "Tikki! We're headed to New York City!"

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