Chapter 16

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I was a brat.

I made fun of other kids and lied to people older than me. Lying was my specialty. I lied my way through kindergarten, elementary school, even high school. Well, I never got through high school, but that's what I did before I dropped out.

No one liked me, but I think that was because of the way I was raised. It started when I was only 5 years old...

"Clair!! Get away!!"

"Run as fast as you can, Son! And don't come back!"

That was before things changed.

I watched my parents get murdered, let the murderer get away with it, and accepted the blame.

The knife stabs were "messy", as if done by a child. But the dead-set evidence? With gloved hands, the man put the knife in my hands. My prints were all over it.

So, I killed my parents.

I told them it wasn't me, but everyone told me I was lying.

So, I was lying.

That's just what makes me unique, you see.

I'm a liar. That's just who I am.

I was then left with a man and his son. The CEO of the Raven Law Firm: the man who bought out my parents' company.

They didn't know what to do with me, so they gave me that office in the building when I turned 14 and told me to do what I wanted. That's when I started the good life. They paid for everything I got. It was heaven. I tried to get girls, partied, but never really made any friends.

Then news about a certain pair of heroes and their leaked identities spread across the country and things changed.

And that's how I got here.

I don't know if you can hear this, but that's my story. I wasn't always a liar until they told me I was. I guess I just accepted it.

Please don't hate me for that. I know you can stop Mel and Gabriel. So... I'm leaving this with you...


Marinette gasped as if she'd been holding her breath for hours. She panted heavily and clenched her shirt as she sat up and gasped for air, "wh-where..."


She turned in shock, "C-Clair?! Wait, where am I?"

"My apartment complex." He looked around, "you have to listen to me closely."

"W-wait, hang on--"

"Everyone thinks you're dead. I just barely got away from Adrien before he could actually kill me."

"Th-then..." Marinette looked around, "I need to get back to them! As Ladybug, I--"

"No." Clair looked at her and set his hands on her shoulders, holding her down, "you're staying here."

"What? Why?!"

"Because." Clair showed her his hand, "I got my powers back because Mel thinks you're dead. She's a little busy dealing with Cat Noir right now, but I was able to slip away without them noticing."

"Wh-what..." Marinette looked at him, "really?"

"Hey. I told you I was trying to help you guys." Clair looked at her and smiled softly, "sorry about the needle by the way. I guess my thugs really weren't holding back."

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