Chapter 3: Rhododendron

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"There it is!" Lilia cheer's as she points at the music shop with you following her from be hide. " So many people" You groan as you realize the long line that is along the sidewalk. " Maybe we should go..., No one likes lines." You start to walk away but Lilia grabs your arm. "Nope, we are staying!" She says to me with determination. " No, you can stay but I wont. I have to go to the flower shop anyways" You rub her hand off your arm and walk towards the shop.

"Well that was a waste of time" You sigh. As you went down to the shop you see someone in the shop as well, You press your face to the window and squint your eyes. The figure had dark hair and was looking around. You step into the shop, giving the figures attention. "Oh, it's you (Y/N)" The figure replied. " Sonic? Why are you here?" You ask him as you walk over be hide the counter. " I stopped by to see the flowers, Is that a problem?" He asked with a slight tilt of his head. " I thought you where going to see Saitama and Genos.." Your eye sight follows the door. " I was but then I spotted this beauty." He glides his hands across a bouquet of brightly color Cosmos. " Those Cosmos, Huh?" You sigh as you change into your shop uniform from the back room. "Yeah, I always liked Cosmos, They are so pretty." He chuckles. You watch him as he gazes at the Cosmos, You blush by the sight. He break's out of contact and look's at you. You turn away from embarrassment." How much are they?" He asks you as he approaches the counter. " They are only 10 dollars." You reply. Sonic gives 10 dollars and you take them and put them in the cash register. He grabs the bouquet of Cosmos and look's at you." See ya later, (Y/N)" Sonic waves goodbye and leaves the shop.

You feel the floor vibrating. " Is this an earthquake?" You ask yourself as you try to keep you balance but end up falling on the floor. Some of the glass vases fall from the shelf's and crash onto the tile floor. You get and and head outside to see if this is happening to anyone else. Instead of seeing people, you see a giant slender creature with spikes on its back and razor sharp teeth. You stood their terrified by the monsters encounter. He notices you and runs toward you with sharp claw's, ready to slice its prey. You scream and put your hands in front of your face to block the monster's attack. You kept your eyes shut and stood still, waiting for your death.

Instead, You opened your eyes to see someone in front of you, blocking the attack. It was Genos. The sharp claws of the slender creature where digging into his hands. " Get out!" He shouts at you. You obeyed his order and ran away from Genos and the creature. You turn at a corner and layed your back against the wall, catching your breathe. You where frightened and worried at the same time.

"Why? Why did he save me from that creature? What do I have to deserve this?" you ask yourself.

Your eye's start to fill up and and pull your leg's up to your chest and stain your uniform with tears. You get up and check on Genos and the creature. Your eyes widen to see Genos laying on the ground and the creature on top of him. You turn back  looking around the area to find something to help Genos. You find a pole that was cut at the end sharply. You grab the pole and run out into the road, aiming your weapon right into the creature. With one big thrust, you pierce the back of the creatures body, making it scream and getting off of Genos. You take out the weapon and stab it again and again until it finally stopped moving. You slowly take out the the pole and drop it on the ground.

You felt some part of you felt....different. You weren't yourself, you felt no fear. No care. Just nothing.

You look down at your hands, covered in dark crimson blood. Your vision start to get blurry, the crowd of people cheer. But that cheer soon fades, you close your eyes and fall onto the road, your uniform soaked by the monsters blood. And the screams of the peoples became muffled and then silent.




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