Chapter 5: Rose

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Ok Readers!

I finally decided that Genos-sama must confess his love to Reader-chan!

For you guy's sakes. Enjoy!


Michi and you both stared at the puppy as he was chasing his tail.

"What will we call him?" Michi finally asks. " Why are you asking me? I don't know." You reply. " If we are going to keep him, you guys need to take care of him. I ain't going to take care another child in here." Sako twirls a spatula around with his finger. Then it finally hit you.

" How about (D/N)?" You finally ask. " (D/N)? that sounds like a good name!" Michi claps her hands with joy. (D/N) run's over to you and jump's onto your legs and lick's your face. Sako chuckles and put's down the cooking utensils and sits down with us to play with (D/N)." Don't forget to get the supplies for (D/N), we cant have a dog without supplies." said Michi. "I'll get them." You get up and slip into your sneakers. "I'll be back soon." You wave to Michi and Sako as they look up to you from the dog.

As you enter the market you look around for pet supplies, you asked people where they are but no one didn't know. You finally find the pet supplies. Dog food, leash and dog treats. after when you gotten the supplies and payed for them, you left the market to your home.

Once you gotten home you saw a note on your front door. " Meet me in the park at 7 by the lake". Meet who at the park? You examined the note as you walked into your home. (D/N? greets you with a little bark. You set down the note and pick up (D/N) "Hey boy, How are you? Did you miss me?" You playfully ask the puppy. (D/N) just ran a circle and barked. You chuckle and pet the dog's head. You take out a doggie treat out of it's packaging and give it to (D/N). You walk into your room and look at the time.

"6:30" you say to yourself. You didn't know who this person was and why they wanted to meet you at dawn. It could be something important. You get up from your bed and look in your closet for something nice to wear. You find a cute white dress with no sleeves, and cute sandales with white bows on them. You set them on your bed and brush your (H/L) (H/C) , made a ponytail and put on a headband with flowers. After that you dressed into your clothing and grabbed a white purse. " I'm going out." You tell Michi. " Where? At this time?" Michi stop's you. " To the park. I need to meet someone." You peeked your head through the front door. " Make sure to kick the person in the ball's if he tries to kidnap you." Michi takes a bite of apple. " What if its a girl?" Sako asks. " Same thing."

(Play the song!)

It is now 7 pm and no sign of the person you was suppose to meet. You start to think this was a prank and start to slowly leave the bridge that was connected to the lake." Wait!" Someone called out. You turn around to see Genos with a bouquet of Red Roses. "Genos? Where you the person who stuck the note on my door?" You ask him as you walk over to him. "Yeah, oh, here. this is for you." Genos gives you the roses and gladly accepts them. "They are so pretty! Thank you." You smile at him. " So why did you want to meet me here?". Genos blushes and look's at the lake. He looks back a you and leans closer to you.

He cup's his right hand on you cheek and stares at you. Then....

He softly kisses you. Your eyes widen by the respond. But you accepted the reason. After you slowly departed from the kiss he stares at you. " I love you (Y/N)..." Genos smiles. Your eyes where filled with contentment." Genos.. I love you too!' You hug him.



I hope you are now satisfied by the story.

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