Chapter 9 :Forget-Me-Not

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Hey Guys! Sorry that I haven't been uploading the second to last chapter, I wanted to give you some suspense >;3 And also Thanks for the people who added my book to their reading lists, I didn't know that many people enjoyed my books..

(If we get to 500 reads I might make a book 2 :3)



You layed there on your bed, crying as your tears soaked into the pillow. "I don't want to leave, Not now..." You whimper. "(Y/N).. Please open up, It's me Michi" you hear a knock at the door. You ignore Michi and continued to be curled up in your bed sheets. "I've told everyone that you where leaving, Even Genos..." said Michi.

Genos... the reason why you didn't want to leave. You made a promise to him on that day in the garden.

"Please start packing up, I have your suitcase outside your door." Michi walks away from your room. You get up and rubbed you eyes. "I'm sorry Genos.." You get up and unlocked your door, you look down and see your suitcase, it was light pink with a fuzzy ball on the handle. You pulled it into your room and started to pack. You take out your clothing and the things you want to bring with you. Your memories all locked up into a small pink suitcase.

Once you finished packing you went outside and stared at the sunset. Why does summer have to end when things where becoming good.... "(Y/N)..." You hear a familiar voice spoke out. You turn to the direction that the voice came from and saw Genos with his arms crossed, staring at you with sorrow. You didn't speak, you just stared at the ground. "I know about the departure... I wish we had more time to be with each other." said Genos. Your eyes start to fill up after the words he said. "I'm sorry... I wish that I have met you before... so we can.." You start to cry. You didn't care if Genos was in front of you, All you want to do is cry your heart out. Genos walks up to you and hug's you. "(Y/N).. please don't cry...." He hugs you tighter. Your tears soaked into his shirt and you finally wrapped your arms around him. Genos lifts up your chin and kisses you.

That same kiss... That kiss when Genos confessed his love to you at that park.

Genos breaks the kiss and stares into your eyes. "(Y/N)... I have something for you.." Genos takes out a beautiful silver ring with a light blue flower imprinted into the ring. He puts on the ring on your finger and you stare at it. "One day... we will meet each other again, So that ring will help you remember who I am." You look up at him and start to cry again...

"Thank you Genos for everything...." You spoke.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The next morning~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Today was the day that you would leave Z-city. You slowly got up and stared at your empty room. Noting was left... Only empty photo frames and dust. "(Y/N), are you awake?" Sako walks into your room. You turn to Sako with a sorrowed face. "You're plane is leaving soon..." you just sat there with no expression on your face. "Come on, Michi made pancakes. Best to enjoy them while you can." Sako patted your shoulder and left the room. You still sat there and stared a the wooden floor, thinking about what will happen later on. You will graduate and go to college, you will be to caught up in the work that you might forget Genos... You look at the silver ring that Genos gave to you and remembered all those happy times, the day you met him and to today.

You walked to the kitchen to be greeted by Michi with a pan in hand. "(Y/N), you better eat up. The plane isn't gonna wait." Michi placed the pancakes down on your plate and you just stare at them. "Come on, eat up.." Michi frowns. You started to eat your break fest but the taste of sweet and sorrow only filled your mouth.

"Hey (Y/N), Don't be sad. You will visit us next time. And this will be your last year in high school, you can stay here after when you graduate." Sako pats you on your back.

He was right, I will be attending my last year in High School then it will be my choice to take a college here or not take one at all. That brightened you up little and you smile. After you finished your break fest, You took your suit case and went outside with Sako and Michi to the airport.

You look back at the flower shop and the house, just staring at it and thinking about all the good time you had here with your family, friends and Genos. "Well come on, You don't want to miss your plane." Michi called to you from the car. You ran up and sat in the car, still staring at the flower shop remembering how you first met Genos and Saitama.

~~~~~~~Time skip [I highly suggest you play the song right about here to make some depth for the chapter]~~~~~

You stepped out of the car and looked back at Michi and Sako, who where waving you goodbye. Right before you entered the tickets stations, you looked back to the crowd of people who where busy and tired and all other things. Then you looked out the enormous window that separated you from the planes. "Well... I guess this is it... For about twelve months I'll be gone.." You said to yourself.
"Next please!" The women at the ticket counter called. I looked at my ticket before I went to the lady and before I gave the women the ticket... I hear a faint call.

"(Y/N)!" That familiar voice called out. You knew that voice very well. It was Genos.

You turn around and saw Genos running towards you. "G-Genos? What are you doing here?" You hesitate to speak your sentence. Genos finally caught his breathe and he looked at you, with tears in his eyes. "G-Genos..." You wiped the tears away with your thumb. "I-I'm sorry.. I just...I will miss you" Genos spoke. You smile sadly and hugged him. "I will miss you.. but I wont forget you." Genos wrapped his arms around you and hugged you tight.

"Ticket please,ma'am" The women at the counter broke our sad departure moment. I look back at him once.. then twice.. and then gave her the ticket and went into the plane.

You sat down at your seat and took out the picture of You, Genos and (D/N) all smiling. You chuckle to yourself then saw your summer flash before your eyes.

All the fun times you had with Sako, Lilia, Michi, Sonic, Saitama, (D/N) and Genos all pass by without a moment to cry.

"Attention all passengers, we are now leaving the airport. Please fasten your seat belts and turn off all your electronic devices" One of the flight attendants announced on the speaker. You put the picture back into your suitcase and sat down to fasten your seat belt.

Before the plane flew off, you looked out the window and a very small boy with blonde hair was waving outside. You chuckle and you knew who that was.

"I guess my summer wasn't that bad" You said to yourself.




for reading all up to this. But wait... THERE'S MORE... or one more chapter

and remember if there's 500 readers on this book, there will be book two :3

Well until next time

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