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What time is it? Where am I? All the questions are running through my head. There are big walls around me and there are only four ways to go.
There is straight ahead, left, right and back wards.
"Ross?!" I call into the darkness.
"I'm here!" Ross whispered into my ear.
"Ross!" I turn around and hug him.
"Where are the others?" I asked.
"They are right here,too" Ross replied.
I turned around. They were there, but they were skeletons. I turned back around and Ross turned into the Grim Reaper.
I woke up sweating.
"It was just a dream..." I whispered to myself.
"Mia, are you awake yet? We have to find out who our next target is." Scarlet says walking into my room.
She isn't a skeleton. Just plain Scarlet.
"Was it a dream or a vision? You seem to be rattled and having more visions after the bombing. Are you sure everything is ok?" Scarlet asked as I propped myself up on my elbows.
"Yeah, I'm fine. It was a dream... I think." I replied as Kayla came into the room.
"Happy birthday Mia!" Kayla said as she hugged me.
"Thanks Kayla! Let's get ready to see the boss. We need our knew target." Scarlet said almost dragging me out of bed.
"By the way, Happy birthday, Mia." She said standing in the doorway. She left with Kayla so I had some privacy while getting dressed.
Haii Kawaii Spiders! I'm not allowed to write fanfic until I'm older, so I'll write this instead. I hope you enjoy! Find out more from the conversation section in my profile. Peace out!

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