Naming the puppy

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Chandler's P.O.V.
So, have you thought of a new name for the puppy yet? I asked Alyson while she was getting out of the bed.
"Not yet, it's hard naming the puppy by myself, you need to help to," she said but not in an angry way..
Um, maybe Duke, Rocky, or Diesel. I like those names a lot.
"Yeah! Those are good names, now which one? I'm going to call my friends and ask which one they like better, you do the same."
Okay, I'll call my friends, I said curiously.
Calling Sam
Hey, which of these names do you like better? Duke,Rocky, or Diesel?
Sam:Diesel or Duke.Um, why?
The puppy.
*Hangs up*
Calling Gray
Duke, Rocky, or Diesel?
Gray: Rocky, why?
Alyson found a puppy outside our door and it didn't have a home so we took it and we don't know what to name it, so yeah, Thanks man.
Gray: Welcome
*Hangs up*
Alyson is still on the phone with her friends so I'm just going to go watch TV for now. I wonder what they'll say, to be honest I really like Duke. You can never tell with Allison and her friends tho(giggling). Well, looks like "The Flash" is on TV!! YESSS!
Alyson's P.O.V.
oh gosh, I wonder what they'll pick, I'm kinda scared, oh well. Now or never, am I right?
Calling Addy
Addy: Need something?
Yes, actually.We still haven't named the puppy, so which of these names do you like the most? Out of Duke, Rocky, or Diesel.
I was thinking the same thing!! Well I'm going to get off here and call Nayana and ask her. I'll call you back in about 30 minutes.
Addy: Okay!
*Hangs up*
Calling Nayana
Nayana: Hey, what's up, I have to go in like 5 minutes so hurry! Sorry!
It's fine, this will take about 2 minutes.
Nayana: Okay, what is it?
Which of these names you like best, Duke, Rocky, or Diesel?
Nayana: Duke or Rocky. One question, why?
Chandler  and  I  have a new puppy but don't know what to name it.
Nayana: Well, Duke or Rocky.
      *Hanging up*
Well, looks like more Duke, I'm going to go see what Chandler and his friends say.
You'll never believe it, I walked in the living room and looked on the couch, and Chandler was stretched out asleep, while The Flash was on! FUNNIEST THING (Laughing)
  I go over to shake him, instead I kiss him and he wakes up,well that was easy, I thought to myself. So, what did your friends think? I personally like Duke, and Addy said Duke, Nayana said Duke or Rocky so majority is Duke out of my friends.
  "Oh my, I love the name Duke personally too! Anyway, Sam said Diesel or Duke and Gray said Rocky," he said.
So, I guess the puppys' name is....... DUKE!! Awhh
Chandler's P.O.V.
I have no clue why, but I'm overly excited right now. THE PUPPYS NAME IS DUKE NOW! I'm going to Skype Sam and Gray now to tell them the good news!
  Fuckkkkk, Skype load!!
Sam and Gray are already on so I'm just going to join their call.
Guess what the puppys' name is!?
they both say, "what?!"
......... DUKE!
Yay!!, said Sam.
Gray: Amazing name but I liked Rocky. It's still awesome!!
Well, I have to go, I just wanted to tell you all.
Sam: Bye
Gray: Bye
I told them, babes!
"What'd they think?"
They loved it! Well  Sam did, Gray liked Rocky better but he said it was still amazing..
"That's good! I'm going to tell Addy and Nayana now"
Alyson's P.O.V.
. *3 way calling Addy and Nayana*
Addy & Nayana: So, what's it's name!!
We decided on........
"Yay, WE LOVE IT!!"
Thank you! I just wanted to tell you the good news, I gotta go!
   *Hangs up*
"They like it?" said Chandler
They loved it! I love it too!
"Me too!"
*We go get something to eat*
   Duke comes running to us when we get home and it's the cutest thing!
He jumps on Chandler and Chandler picks him up and I almost fainted because the adorableness!!

* It is now 11:30 pm and we hop in bed, once again, but this time Duke jumps in with us *
     "Goodnight, baby love you,"we said before we both kissed each other goodnight
      Goodnight Duke, we love you too!
Chandler had  fell asleep when I looked over, I realized just how blessed I am with a handsome, perfect, boyfriend, (soon to be husband hopefully) and a beautiful puppy by my side, I love life.. Goodnight world..

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