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Two months has passed for Annalise and much had remained the same. Wishing and praying that somehow her memories would return to her but they didn't not to mention no family had come to claim her as well. Sighing she looked out the window of her hospital room, watching the same view she had for the past two months with her head pressed against the glass desperately wanting her freedom. Even though her memories had not returned that didn't stop the nightmares that plagued her though she told no one about them. Annalise didn't want that to be another excuse for the people at the hospital to keep her here.

"Annalise?" a male voice questioned from the door, Annalise looked back at smiled realizing it was Carlisle who entered the room. "How are you feeling today?"

"Fine, same as you have asked me the pasty sixty days doctor and before you ask about my memories the answer is no." Annelise began as she looked back out the window. "Not a single memory had returned to me."

To be honest Annalise felt robbed of her memories and nothing she could do would bring them back. Maybe that was what upset her the most, the thought of having no control over her situation. She could hear Carlisle's footsteps coming closer to her until eventually they stopped right beside her. Not that she didn't like her doctor but she felt there was something off about him. He was too perfect. Nothing wrong with him at all that she could find, that bothered her. Everyone had a flaw...except for him.

"I know you are tired of being at the hospital so after talking with the director I have come to offer you a new arrangement." he tells her as he sits down opposite of her on the widow seal.

"A new arrangement? What do you mean?" She question now intrigued by his words.

"Instead of being at the hospital I would be able to monitor you from my own home. That way you have your freedom, a job if you want and just some of the normal things in life. You don't have to if you don't want to but I can tell how much you miss the outside world." Carlisle explains to her and to be honest she likes the idea but is wary at first.

"You aren't adopting me if that's what your offering. I'm too old to pass as one of your kids I know that much." she says making sure he understands she doesn't want new parents.

"No, of course not. This is just to help you out I promise. My children are looking forward to meeting you. Are you willingly to give it a try Annalise?" Carlisle questions her.

Well it would be a nice break from this place. Nothing but hospital sounds and food who wouldn't want to get away from that? Taking a deep breath she began to think of her options...well there were no other option and how bad could it be? He's a doctor with kids so worst case scenario she would end up watching the kids right?

"Thank you, I will take you up on that offer." Annalise answered with a smile as she extended her hand to Carlisle as she looked at her hand and smiled and then shook hands with her.

"I'll have your nurse help you get ready and we will head to my house soon. Shouldn't take me more than half and hour to finish my charts." he told her as he rose from his seat and began to walk out the door.

"Oh and doctor." Annalise called out to him making him stop and look back at her. "Thank you, for everything."

Smiling and with a nod Carlisle left the room. Just like he said a few minute later a nurse came in with discharge papers. After signing the papers and getting dressed in new clothes that she wasn't sure where they came from she walked to the lobby of the hospital to find the doctor already waiting for her. Tapping him on the shoulder he turned to her and smiled.

"Ready?" he questioned her to which she nodded and followed him out of the hospital.

On the way back to his home Annalise had a lot to process. Not only was this doctor kind and caring but he owned a nice car and had children but no wife...that was something that really stuck out to her. Was he gay by chance? Even if he were that was his choice and she shrugged off the question as she looked out the window to a beautiful house in the middle of the woods. 'He even has a nice house?! Seriously and no one has grabbed him? Something is up.' she thought as he got out of the car and opened her door for her.

"So this is it." Carlisle says oh so casually.

"It's incredible, doubt you have any neighbors who complain about the noise right?" she said trying to make a joke which he did laugh to but she could tell the joke wasn't that good.

"Nope, good part about being away from everyone else." Carlisle says as he lead her up to the door and they both walked inside.

The house was beautiful and well decorated. Surprising Annalise but now that she thought about it at this point anything would shock or surprise her. Carlisle began to give her the tour when they both heard the front door open. Within a matter of a few second there before the two of them stood three boys and two girls. All pale just like Carlisle and looked like they were a magazine. Seriously where do these people come from?

"Everyone this is Annalise. She will be staying here for a while. Annalise these are my children. Alice, Rosalie, Jasper, Emmet and Edward." Carlisle says introducing all of us.

"Lovely to meet you all." Annalise said shyly as she tried to avoid her normal reaction to look away.

"You got the clothes I picked for you!" the one with a pixie cut who she was pretty sure was Alice said with a big smile on her face.

"You picked them for me? Well thanks so much they fit just right." Annalise complimented and thanked her at the same time. "How did you know my size?"

"Carlisle said you looked to be about my size and stature." Alice replies keeping her friendly smile on.

Now Annalise looked at Carlisle with a raised eye brow. Was he looking at her while she was sleeping or keeping a close eye on her these past two months? Either was a part of her felt kind of happy that he had Alice pick out clothes for her. Looking at the children...more like teenagers or young adults to her they all looked friendly for the most part. Well that wasn't true, Jasper looked like he wanted to eat her. Not a good idea in her mind.

"We are going to have so much fun together! I just know it." Alice tells Annalise with a wink.

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