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The next morning Garrett did leave Annalise just for a moment but apparently that was long enough for her to leave without him even knowing. Walking back to her room he saw her bed was the same as when he left except Annalise wasn't there asleep. Looking around he was confused as to where she could have gone and so quickly. Going downstairs he saw Edward and Carlisle about to walk out the door when he decided to stop Carlisle.

"Have you seen Annalise?" Garrett asked Carlisle hoping he would know where she went?

"She left, she took one of the cars and said she would return later on tonight. If you want to talk to her so bad why not follow her scent?" Carlisle said as he walked out the door leaving Garrett speechless.

Garrett nodded to himself and went to Annalise's room. Looking on her nightstand he found a scarf and quickly picked it up knowing he could follow her scent with the help of the scarf. Then he took off, he didn't know where he was going but he was hoping somehow he would catch up to Annalise and have her explain what all was going on. He followed the scent for what seemed to be hours until he reached a forest, one that was all too familiar with him. This is where he attacked Annalise. He stopped as he saw one of the Cullen's car's parked just a bit a head of him.

"Why did you come back here?" Garrett wondered as he walked forward.

Going just a bit deeper into the forest he saw that there was actually a small trail. Deciding to follow it he looked around and memories of that day when he attacked her came flying back to his head. She was angry and it even looked like she was crying that day. He didn't know why or for what purpose but her blood sent him over the edge that day. He had no idea she could fight that well but it was a pleasant surprise for him. Garrett stopped at a black iron gate, looking past the gate he saw headstones. Why would Annalise come here? Pushing the old gate open it creaked but he continued to follow Annalise's sent.

Passing at least a dozen head stones he finally found her. Annalise was knelt down beside a gravestone and it was easy to hear her crying. He didn't know who she was crying before but he wasn't going to stop now. Walking up her stopped maybe five steps behind her and she finally spoke to him.

"That day you attacked me, I knew who you were but I wanted nothing to do with you. Already had my heart and body gone through so much that I couldn't even stand the sight of you." Annalise told Garrett without even looking back at him.

"What made you hate me so badly? I went to fight a war was that the reason?" Garrett questioned as he walked forward and his heart if he still had a beating one would have stopped when he saw the name of the stone before Annalise.

                                                                             Thomas Garrett Hawthorn

                                                                  Born June 12,1779- Died June 21, 1779

"What is this?" Garrett asked trying to control the rage bottled up inside of him as he walked up to Annalise and looked her in the eyes. "Why did you never tell me?"

"My father said he told you and that when you learned I was with child you ran off to die in the wars. You preferred to die that way rather than become a father!" Annalise yelled almost defensively in reply to Garrett who then looked back at the stone and continued to stare at it, hoping this was all a dream.

Garrett put his hand on the cold stone with his son's name inscribed upon it. If he could have cried then he would have. Hatred for Annalise's father grew inside of him but he knew that he couldn't have any anger towards Annalise, she was lied to and her father had the nerve to say he would abandon his job of being the father to their son.

"What took our child?" Garrett questioned as he bent his head down in shame.

"Fever, I did all that I could." Annalise cried as she began to cry. "There is no more heartbreaking feeling that trying to convert your own immortality to your son and he still die in your arms. Others tried as well but his poor body would not accept any treatment. He was not born with my immortal genes unlike Vivian."

Garrett went to Annalise and held her in his arms as he comprehended her sentence then was shocked and looked down at her.

"Who is Vivian?" Garrett questioned looking at Annalise as she blinked her tears away from her eyes.

"Our daughter, I had twins but Vivian was the only one with my immortal genes. I swear I thought you knew and that you had just abandoned us." Annalise looked up at him with nothing but truth in her eyes. "I would have never kept such a secret before you but I was forced. My father is a powerful immortal."

Garrett helped Annalise stand up as she began to explain more of her story about her father's lies to her.

"What of Vivian then? Where is she? Is she still alive?" Garrett asked getting anxious to know more about his immortal daughter.

"She's alive, she is with my grandmother. Violet, I was sent out to actually find you and kill you. When father found out what happened to you he used my rage and sent me out for your life." Annalise said putting her hand on Garrett's cheek. "Yet even with that much hate in my heart I couldn't kill you."

"Guess I did leave an impression after all, where is your grandmother? Is Vivian safe?" Garrett asked still full of questions.

"This war, oh no, Garrett we have to go and get her Hector doesn't know about her but if her did only god knows what he would do to her to get to me." Annalise said with panic in her eyes.

"Annalise, where is Vivian?" Garrett said holding Annalise's shoulders.

"Colorado, my grandmother moved there to be unnoticed by the mortals." Annalise said as she grabbed Garrett's hand and went back to the Cullen's car.

Getting into the car Annalise had a look of determination and focus in her eyes as she pulled out of the forest and took off on the road. Garrett didn't blame Annalise for she did too much of that herself but he wondered what he meant when she said she tried to transfer her immortality to their son and it didn't work. Was that even possible? Still he knew right now was probably not the best time to ask. Now they had to go get their daughter and get her to safety.

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