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Harold was beyond angry. Blood lust was in his eyes as he watched Garrett stand from the ground. There was no possible way that Garrett had broken his power on him and Annalise was in his control as well so that only left Violet and Vivian. He wanted Vivian because he knew she was special and he would be able to raise her to control whatever power she held. Harold set his sights on his mother in law knowing he would have to kill her first to get anywhere close to Vivian. Walking forward he didn't expect Annalise to grab onto him with her own powers.

"Little girl, have you learned nothing?!" Harold yelled as he looked to Annalise who stared him down.

"I learned from the best, you just wanted me for my powers, just like Hector. Now for once I can truly show you what I can do." Annalise said no longer afraid of the man she once called Father.

Annalise used her powers as she made her father move closer and closer to the lite fireplace. Garrett watched somewhat amazed and terrified knowing if he mad her mad enough Annalise could do that to him. Thinking back to his daughter though Garrett ran over to Vivian and took her in his arms showing Annalise he wouldn't let any harm come to their daughter.

"You're mistaken my dear, I knew what Hector wanted from you. He should be here any moment to claim you now Vivian on the other hand I'm not sure what he'll do with." Harold said as he picked up the fire poker. "I can't decapitate myself you know."

"No, but I can truly make your body suffer!" Annalise screamed.

"No, Annalise this isn't like you. Think of your mother, she wouldn't want you to do this. Your powers are for good my love. Leave him here with me and I swear he will be punished but you must leave in case Hector does come for Vivian." Violet said speaking true words to Annalise.

Annalise knew her grandmother was right, there was no way her mother would want Annalise to cause harm to anyone with her powers though at this moment it was very tempting. With a blink of her eyes though Harold was on the ground passed out. Annalise's power was stronger than she remembered and she wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Turning back to Garrett she was surprised to see Vivian was holding onto to Garrett pretty tight.

"We could get help from the Cullen's, take down all the vampire hunters as well as bad immortals at once." Garrett said.

"We need to make sure Vivian stays safe." Annalise said as she walked up to them.

"The Cullen's kept you safe, why wouldn't they do the same for Vivian?" Violet questioned.

Annalise's grandmother was great as making good points. Nodding in agreement Annalise and Garrett went up to Vivian's room and began to pack a few things. Garrett didn't know what to do so he watched as Annalise packed Vivian's things and was surprised when Vivian came up to him and handed him what looked to be an old photo book. Opening it he saw a very old picture of himself and Annalise back when they were still human. This sparked many questions in his mind.

"Vivian? What's your full name?" Garrett asked as he wondered the question.

"Vivian Julia Hawthorn. Why do you wanna know daddy?" she said as she looked as the pictures with him.

Julia, that was his mother's name and Thomas well that was his father's name. Even though he wasn't there Annalise put a family members name into their children's names. Looking to Annalise as she packed he could see she just wanted to get the task done so he began to look through the book with Vivian so he wouldn't get in Annalise's way. After a few minutes Annalise had told them it was time to go. Violet watched as Annalise loaded up the expensive car with Vivian's belongings.

"I promise you, I will find out any information I can and then tell you. Until then please Annalise, take care of yourself and Vivian and well vampire boy." Violet said as she hugged Annalise tight.

Annalise hugged back in agreement then went to the side as Vivian went up to her great grandmother and smiled at her.

"You little one, listen well, I know you used your powers and if you ever see need to use them again never be afraid to. They are there to help you and if you ask your mother I am sure she can help to teach you to focus and use them." Violet said as she took Vivian in her arms and hugged her. "The heavens can not tell you how much I love you little one, you will always be in my heart."

"I love you too mammy Violet, I'll be back soon!" Vivian said as she hugged her grandmother back then ran to her mothers arms.

Annalise helped put Vivian in the car as Garrett looked at Violet unsure of what to say to the woman who had practically raised his daughter.

"You need not say anything, she is family as are you somewhat just watch over and protect them. If not you have me to deal with and I do bite." Violet said with a sly smile as she walked back into the house.

Garrett got into the car confused and bewildered. Did that woman just say that she did bite? Who in the world would say something like that to a vampire? Apparently her but that just made her a bit funny to him. Annalise smiled at Garrett as they pulled out of the drive.

"Mommy? Why does daddy have red eyes?" Vivian asked.

Annalise had guessed that Grandma Violet hadn't explained vampires to Vivian and now it would be all on them. Oh dear lord, how do you explain to a child what a vampire is without scaring them half to death? Was there really a simple way to do it? Doubtful.

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