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Annalise was still silent as Katrina looked at Garrett like someone she had known for a long time. 'What in the world did she mean by that?' Annalise asked herself as Katrina led her away from the Cullen family just so they could have a moment alone. Not like vampires had super hearing or anything, oh wait they did but either way Annalise decided to listen to her cousin and see what she had to say.

"Listen as much as I love doing the whole family reunion thing I didn't come here for that. A certain someone is on your tracks. He is still mad about him rejecting you and now he's doing the whole if I can't have you then I'll kill you deal. The worst part is I think he really knows how to kill one of us Annalise." Katrina said and Annalise could feel a cold chill go down her spine. "Now that you are here though that may please him in more way than one though."

"What are you talking about? For one who is this guy? Remember no memory here Katrina!" Annalise told her cousin as she grew more frustrated.

"Oh, right, Hector you and him were kinda a thing once well in his mind that is. You flat out rejected him telling him 'I don't have time for love, that's wasted on the weaker species.' Hector did leave but he left to plan your end and now he has someone else working with him who also wants to end you and well all vampires as well. Elana, apparently they are together now and they are on their way here for you." Katrina begins to explain and Annalise tries to comprehend what she was saying.

Carlisle and the others could hear the conversation crystal clear. There was a war coming and though Annalise didn't mean to she brought it right to their door. Carlisle looked at his group and saw most of them were determined to take on any war no matter what it cost. Still to know what Annalise had once said about love it seemed to make Carlisle re think about her in such a way. Yes they had shared a kiss but was that all they shared?

Katrina then brought Annalise back over to us and then told us what was happening all about Hector and Elana while Annalise stood emotionless not even willing to look any of us in the eye. Carlisle knew that Annalise felt like this was all her fault but the truth was war happens eventually even if you don't want it to. He would know after how long he had lived.

"So you're saying this Hector just wants to kill Annalise because she rejected him?" Edward asks in a confused and almost humorous voice.

"To be rejected by another immortal is an incredible insult. Hector thought that since Annalise was older than him and had a bit more power in our group that if he married her he would become her equal. Needless to say that didn't work." Katrina said crossing her arms.

"Why did she reject him?" Garrett asked this time.

"Easy, Annalise distanced herself from all men of our kind. They are well known for being controlling and sometimes even abusive, would you want to be with someone like that? Oh and she didn't love him, that's the only thing Annalise would ever change for...love. Same reason she changed sides. Her brother loved vampires and gave his very life for one. Annalise continued in his place to protect the species of the woman he loved so much." Katrina said as she looked at the group of vampires around her.

"Why do you have the eyes of a vampire then?" Carlisle asked because he was wondering this himself.

Annalise looked to Katrina also wanting to hear her explanation. Katrina sighed and looked around almost as if she were embarrassed.

"It was a long time ago. He's somewhere in Italy now...I think. I fall a lot easier than my cousin here so I pledged myself to him and then one day he was gone. But hey I'm good like I said it was a long time ago." Katrina said with a shrug.

Italy? She wouldn't happen to be talking about the no it couldn't be one of them. Carlisle tried to reassure himself that there was no possible way she could have known Aro, or Marcus even Caius but something told him to go ahead and ask.

"What was his name?" Alice asked speaking up with a smile on her face.

"Demetri, why do you ask?" Katrina said as she now looked to be a bit defensive.

Carlisle then began to explain that Demetri was serving Aro and Marcus and Caius and his job being part of the guard. At first Katrina looked a bit shocked but then she sighed and even laughed about what had just been explained to her. Did she not understand that he was loyal to three vampires with incredible power?

"Sounds like him, always a follower never a leader." Katrina said with a scoff. "Doesn't matter to us though, Annalise's powers would be able to stop him in his tracks the moment she set eyes on him."

Powers? Annalise didn't know that she had powers. Even if she did she had no idea how to tap into them yet alone use them on someone else. Still she wanted to know what kind of power she had and if she could still use it. Everyone then had their eyes on her and she gulped in nervousness.

"What powers?" Jasper requested to know what powers Annalise held.

"Annalise can control people with her mind, it's pretty cool when she does it but it takes a lot out of her. Most people I had ever seen control at one was around a dozen and that was during the Trojan War. Nearly killed her honestly." Katrina said looking to Annalise who then fainted on spot.

Carlisle went to gather Annalise quickly while the others just stared at her. None of them knew what to think about her new powers. Carlisle picked Annalise up in his arms until Garrett decided her wanted to stop Carlisle on the spot.

"Garrett? What are you doing? I have to get her inside and let her rest." Carlisle tells Garrett trying to assert his authority.

"Didn't you just hear what Katrina said? She isn't safe here anymore, that other crazy immortal is on his way to kill her. You really think she is safe here with all of you. They're kind has been killing ours for longer than we have lived and they won't be stopped." Garrett said and Carlisle knew it was the truth.

"Then I suggest, you all need to plan a trap." Katrina said as she walked up and joined the conversation. "I know how to kill our kind after all as well."

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