Chapter 10

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I looked in the mirror in Jason's bathroom and looked at the mark on my neck. Can't believe it happened. Yep, Jason marked me last night. Hurt like hell when his teeth broke the skin but it quickly went away.

Jason walked up behind me wearing only a pair of jeans he just put on. He hugged me from behind and kissed the mark on my neck. I laughed a little at how focused he was on the mark.

"You offically mine." Jason growled in my ear.

It sent chills down my spine. He smiled and kept kissed my neck. I was wearing a tank top and jeans so my neck was all showing. Jason just wouldn't stop kissing my neck. So once I got him to back off I walked out of the bathroom and layed on his bed. Jason sat behind where I was laying, and he was playing with my hand. Then Jack and Alexander walked into the room.

"Sorry to interupt but Jason we have buisness to talk about." Jack said.

"I thought I had Hunter tell you that we would talk about it after breakfast." Jason sighed.

"Well then, I guess we'll speak after lunch." Jack bowed.

"You don't have to bow. Your an alpha too." I said.

"It's a sign of respect Moon. I bow to them they bow to us." Jason growled.

"I still say they shouldn't have to bow." I mumbled.

Jason just shook his head and kissed my forehead. Jack laughed as him and Alexander walked out of the room. 

"Moon don't question what alpha's do." Jason sighed.

"When is this mark going to stop hurting?" I asked.

Jason chuckled and kissed the mark again. He blew on it a little and it started to feel better. It didn't hurt as much. But, it still hurt. I smiled and leaned up kissing him. I pulled away before it turned into a heated make out session. I didn't want someone else walking in on Jason and I making out.

"So you going to join us for breakfast?" Jason asked pulling on a dark blue shirt.

"I think I'm just going to stay here for now. I'm not really hungry." I said curling up on his bed.

"Aww. You feeling alright?" Jason asked sitting on the bed.

"Yea. Just tired." I sighed.

Jason pulled me to my feet and he dragged me downstairs. He shoved me into a chair and then he sat down. I cover the mark with m hair the best I could. I kept my head down and didn't really focus on anyone. I felt Jack and his little group enter the dining room. I glanced up and Jack smiled at me. I gave him a small smiled back and ate my breakfast.

When everyone finished eating Jason and Jack walked up to Jason's office to talk about whatever they were talking about. Sam, Bella, and Jack's mate Morgan went out to the garden. And Hayden, Conner, Hunter, Nate, and David all went to play video games in the living room.

As for me I dragged myself upstairs and walked into Jason's office. He linked up with me telling me to help talk about buisness. So when I entered the office Jason pulled me into his lap. Not a shocker. He always makes me sit in his lap when we are in his office.

"Alright. So what are we talking about?" I asked.

"Well Jack is trying to improve his pack so he's asking to stay here for a week to see how we run things." Jason explained.

"Is it that hard to say yes or no?" I yawned.

"Well I thought you should be involved in this." Jason smiled.

I sighed. I got called up here to say one word?! Talk about a waist of sleeping time. I couldn't sleep last night because this mark was burning it's self into my skin permantly. It hurt like hell. So I was hoping to catch up on my sleep before lunch.

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