Chapter 17

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Jason tried to stop me but I went anyway.  I walked downstairs and outside. Like Hayden said a guy who smelled like a vampire stood there. My wolf started howling like she did when I found out Jason was my mate.

' Why are you howling?? Jason's out mate!'

' So it he! He's your vampire's mate. And since your vampire is part of me he's our mate.'


The guy smiled at me.

"You must be confused." The guy said.

"No I think my wolf vampire thing caught me up." I said.

"Well I must speak with your wolf mate. Oh and I'm Luke." He smiled.

I nodded and link Jason telling him to come. Jason was quickly at my side.

"She's mine!" Jason growled.

"I think it's her choice." Luke said calmly.

Great. I have to pick a mate! Talk about living in hell. I've been with Jason foe a little while now so I know I can trust him. But this Luke guy I know nothing about. And frankly I don't feel like getting to know him.

"I think I'm staying with Jason." I said kinda hiding behind Jason.

"She's made her choice. So get off my territory." Jason growled.

"Alright fine." Luke sighed. Before he left he gave me a piece of paper and then quietly left. 

Jason tried to grab the paper of course. "Hey I chose you back off." I growled.

Jason wrapped his arms around my waist and he gently kissed me. Someone cleared their throat and Jason and I pulled away from each other. Of course Sam stood there.

"Pups are around you two. Take it to your bedroom." Sam snarled.

"As fun as that sounds I have business to handle." Jason sighed.

I frowned and grabbed Jason's hand. "Nope no work for you today your mine." I smiled.

Jason sighed knowing to not argue with me. I kissed him on the cheek and Sam rolled her eyes.

"Try to keep it PG." Sam sighed walking away.

Jason smiled and kissed my neck. I bit my lip holding in a moan. Jason chuckled and pulled away. 

"Sorry little Moon but I have work to do and so do you." Jason smiled.

"What do I have to do?" I asked.

"You still have to type that letter to council about getting out pack registered for that school." Jason sighed.

"Right. I'll get my laptop and get on it alpha." I smiled walking into the pack house. 

I walked up the three flights of stairs and into our room. I got my laptop and started typing the stupid letter. 

About halfway through my letter I got bored. I was sick of typing. I didn't want to bother Jason because he did have some important things to take of. So I sat on the bed on my phone. A text popped up from an unknown number. Being the curious person I am I clicked and opened it.

unknown # : Hey babe

Moon: Who is this?

Unknown # : You didn't look at the paper did you?

Moon: Luke?

Unknown # : Yep

Moon: Um I have to finish something so I better go

The Alpha's Scene Omega (Book 1 of the omega series)Where stories live. Discover now