Chapter 28

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(__)__(__) AFTER ALL 4 PUPS ARE BORN (__)__(__)

Jason and I ended up with four boys. Their names are: Alex, Matt, Nick and Brandon.

 I was laying on the bed while Jason was sitting on the floor with the boys. It's been like two weeks and they've already managed to ruin my favorite jacket. Never leave Jason in charge of feeding them. It ends in ruined jackets.

"I can already tell these guys are going to be trouble." I mumbled.

"They aren't that bad. Now are you going to lay there or help me?" Jason asked.

"Your the one who slept all night!" I growled.

"Alright watch it little Moon." Jason growled back.

I sighed rolling off the bed onto the floor. I laid next to Jason as Matt was draped over my stomach where Jason placed him. I was back to my small skinny-ish self. I wasn't like slut skinny but I was kinda skinny. 

Anyway, Jason was playing with Alex, Nick, and Brandon while Matt was asleep in my arms. It was so cute. 

 I stood up with Matt in my arms. I walked over to the next room where the nursery is. I laid Matt down in his crib. I looked around the room. The mint green walls with letters for each of the boys hanging above their cribs. The dark wood floors looked perfect. After I laid Matt down I walked back in the bedroom and Jason was  on the bed with Brandon, Nick and Alex. They were all staring at each other.

 Jason saw me and scooped up the boys. We both walked into the nursery and I saw a letter. So while Jason was laying down Alex and Brandon I looked at it. It was from Rob. He must of left it here this morning after my check up to make sure everything was alright. I opened it and read it a few times to make sure I was reading this right.

"You alright Moon?" 

I quickly handed him the letter. He read it and looked up at me. 

"We have sex once and this happens. At least two more." Jason said shocked.

"Yea. That's what it says." I sighed.

Jason laid Matt down and drug me off to the bedroom to go back to bed.

(__)__(__) THE NEXT AFTERNOON (__)__(__)

I was talking with Conner to see how his son Chris was doing. Jason was playing with the little beasts.

"They are like mini monsters." I sighed.

"You get woken up in the middle of the night too?" Conner asked.

"Who doesn't when they have a kid. But I got some more news......."I trailed off.

"What happened?" Conner asked. 

He was worried now. Guess he thought something SERIOUS happened. Well something serious did happen but nothing to worr about worry about. 

"I'm pregnent." 


"Yes Conner again." 

"Damn. To be honest I think Sammy is too. My wolf keeps saying something is wrong. So that must be it."

"Well Sam is healthy so that must be the problem" 

I gave Conner a quick hug. Jason linked me saying Brandon won't let him feed him. Conner and I said our goodbyes then I left.. I walked into the bedroom and Jason was trying to feed Brandon but Brandon woulnd't eat. I grabbed Brandon from Jason's arms and gave Jason a kiss.

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