Chapter 21

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"Oh so your the slut who has her hands all over my mate." I said.

"I guess you could say that." Jade shrugged.

"Get out of here." I growled.

She let out a laugh. Before I could say or do anything she handed me a piece of paper.


        My son doesn't know about this yet but this pack is still under my name until you and Jason have pups. So I am banning you from this pack. 

                                                                                               Jason's mom - Alice.

I re-read it ten times. I-I'm banned?! I guess Luke was right. I shouldn't have gotten comfortable here. It would only lead to disappointment.

"Jason!" I yelled across the training room.

He rushed over and I handed him the paper. His jaw dropped instantly. I looked at Jason. "Is this true?" I asked.

Jason nodded. "Your not going anywhere." Jason said.

"I'm not getting pregnant now. I'm eighteen!" I exclaimed.

"It has to be accepted by my father first. If he doesn't accept this you stay." Jason explained.

"I'm glad you know all this alpha stuff." I smiled.

"T-that's not possible!" Jade stuttered.

"Deal with it bitch." I snarled.

She swung her fist at me but I caught it and twisted her arm. She started to beg me to let go but I wouldn't. I quickly twisted it even more and a crack echoed around the room. I let go of her fist and she fell to her knees crying. Everyone looked at me like I was insane. Everyone except Conner. Conner knows I wouldn't hurt anyone or anything unless they deserved it. 

In high school this girl cheated on him and I broke her nose. In the end they set it wrong so they had to re-brake it and then set it again. But hey Conner is my best friend! And that girl cheated on him. But that was back when we were like fifteen. Who would have thought three years later we'd be happy with out mates.

Everyone was still starring at me in shock. Jade was still crying her eyes out and holding her wrist. No one ran over and tried to help her. Because they were all to busy staring at me!

"She must have deserved it." Conner said breaking the silence.

"She just snapped her wrist like a twig." Hayden said, his eyes bugging out of his head.

"Her hybrid." Jason said.

"What the hell does her hybrid have to do with this?!" Hunter shouted.

"Her hybrid made her more  powerful. So If she wanted to she could kill all of us in five seconds flat.." Jason explained.

"My best friend is a hybrid. Who would have thought." Conner sighed.

I walked over and gave Conner a hug. He smiled and kissed me on the cheek. I'm glad Jason understood that me and Conner are like brother and sister. But it's weird because me and Hayden are actual brother and sister but we don't act like it.

"Alright I'm going to go talk about this with my dad." Jason said. 

He walked over to me and Conner. He kissed the top of my head and then he walked off. 

(__)__(__) JASON'S P.O.V. (__)__(__)

My dad had just sat down in my office. He looked at me waiting for me to break the silence. I didn't say a word. I just handed him the letter. Once he read it a few times he set the paper on my desk and looked at me emotionless so I couldn't tell what he was thinking. 

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