Chapter 6 - Sparks Fly

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Chapter 6 - Sparks Fly

Patience spent the rest of the day noting down ideas and forming the story plan.  By the time the final bell rang she was fairly confident she had enough to start writing. 

“Do you want a ride home?” Jake’s low voice surprised her. 

She turned to find his steely eyes on her.

“The other’s are at football practice so I can give you a lift if you don’t want to wait around.”

Usually she just went to the library for a couple of hours until Loyal was ready to go but, she looked up at Jake again, it would be good to go home and start writing.

“I’ll have to tell Loyal.”

“Tell me what?” Loyal appeared with Josh, the twins and Alex. 

“Jake’s giving me a lift home.”

Loyal’s eyes narrowed as he looked Jake over. 

“Chill man,” Alex laughed, “It’s Jake, not one of those jokers,” he nodded towards the twins.

“Hey who you calling jokers?”

“Actually the Joker was pretty cool in that batman movie,” Davidson nodded slowly.

“Nah he was the bad guy, I’m more like batman...”

While the twins were arguing Patience noticed Jake say something to Alex and then nod to him. 

“Batman sucks,” Josh declared, “He’s not even a superhero, he’s just some guy with too much cash.”

“You didn’t just say that!” The twins stood with their mouths ajar glaring at Josh.

“You can’t compare Batman to Superman.  It’s like comparing the Barney and the Cookie Monster - The Cookie Monster rocks, Barney’s naff.”

“Although I see your point about the Cookie Monster, you just can’t dis my man Bats.”

“Let’s go, this is going to turn into a marathon.”  Jake groaned.

It was only once they got to the car park did Patience stop, “Umm, how are we getting home?”

“We are taking Alex’s bike.”

“Ahhh, no!”

Jake slung his leg over the bike as he straddled it and then looked back at Patience, “Come on, it’s just a motorbike.”

“See this stuff, it’s called skin and I’d like to keep mine.”

“Get on the bike, Patience.”

“I’m too young to die a painful death.”

Jake looked at her blankly.

“I have all these things that I haven’t done yet...”

“like sex?”

“I was going to say swimming with dolphins, but since you mentioned it, yes!”

“I’m good at it.  You won’t die.”

“Good at...?”

Jake smiled, “Both actually, but right now I am talking about the motorbike.”

“You should do that more often?”

Jake lifted an eyebrow.

Patience rolled her eyes, “Smile.  You should smile more often.”

“Get on the Motorbike, Patience.”

Patience tried to smoothly mount the metal monster like he did but she just ended up almost falling off before grabbing Jake as his arms came around to catch her.   She was sure he laughed but the roar of the engine drowned out everything.

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