Red Lipstick (Marichat)

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Marinette had just gotten home from shopping with Alya, which she totally regrets doing now.

Her purse had no more money in it for fabrics. Instead, Alya had forced her to spend it on make up, mostly different lipsticks.

Exhausted, she fell face first on her chaise.

"Marinette you should try them on!" Tikki said as she flew out of Marinette's small pink purse.


"Come on! Please!" Tikki begged, widening her lilac colored eyes and outed her lips, creating the most irresistible puppy dog face.

"Fine." Marinette pushed herself up and walked over to the plastic bag holding all of her new make up. Setting it on her sink she looked at Tikki. "Where do I start?"

"Definitely use the eyeliner first! The black will make your eyes pop!" Tikki fiercely nodded her head as she dove into the bag to grab the pencil.

"Since when did you become a beautician?" Marinette giggled as Tikki handed her the eyeliner.

"The Ladybug before you was a beautician. I learned from her."

"I bet the others were great. Better than me huh?"

Tikki looked at her holder, who was wearing a downcast face.

"I think you're the best. Sure, the others may have had interesting jobs, but none of them had your personality, or talent for fashion and cooking, and I personally think you're the best at protecting everyone. Even when you're Marinette and not Ladybug. Not all of the other Ladybugs were like that. So chin up Marinette!"

Marinette beamed at Tikki, wearing a smile as bright as the sun.

"Thanks Tikki. Now let's put those beautician skills to use!"


Marinette was in the middle of putting bright red lipstick on, when a black cat knocked on her trapdoor.

She frowned as she quickly finished applying the make up and rushed up her ladder to open the door.

"What are you doing her kitty? I thought you said you were gonna be gone for two weeks for a secret mission..." Marinette trailed off as she thought back to his last visit.

"I'll be gone for two weeks. But I'll visit here as soon as I get back, okay Princess?" Marinette nodded, slightly disappointed.

"Where are you going?"

"A secret mission."

"I missed you too much... Are you going somewhere? Like, on a date?" Chat frowned as he stared at her red lips. The same color as Ladybug's suit. He was uncomfortable with the idea of her going on a date with someone else. He didn't understand why. He and Marinette got onto the floor and stood in the center of the room.

"No, no. Alya made me buy all this make up so I decided to try it on. Do you like it?"

When he didn't answer, Marinette started to worry.

If Chat doesn't like this, then there's a high possibility Adrien won't either...


She turned back to her sink and grabbed a towel.

"I thought it was a bad idea." She muttered as she put the towel under the running water.


"Hm?" She hummed as she twisted the light pink towel, water streaming down her hands.


He placed a clawed hand on her shoulder before spinning her around. He leaned in, his face extremely close to hers. She gulped as she noticed the distance between them, her breath hitching.

The tip of his nose touched hers as he stared at her red lips.

"I do like it. I love it." He murmured before closing the gap, pressing his lips firmly against her. She gasped in surprise an Chat used this to his advantage. His tongue slipped into her parted lips and he explored the inside of her mouth.

Marinette, instead of pushing Chat away from her like she thought she would, instead, she wound her hands in his hair and kissed him back. She fought his tongue for dominance but ultimately lost as Chat placed his hands on her hips.

He lifted her up and set her on her counter, her back pressed flat against the wall behind her. He pressed on and walked forward, in between her legs before pulling back for air.

She stared at Chat, who now had red lipstick smeared over his lips. His lips that were smirking.

"I really do love your lipstick. But not as much as I love you."

Finally! And thanks @_.airi.senpai._ for the cover!

Until next time, peace!

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