SuperLuv (Chloe x Volpin)

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Why? Because I legit love this ship ^_^

So deal with it. Love you anyways! Chloe is a bit OOC in this one, but she gets more IC towards the end.

I might make a fanfiction on this ship. I don't know, it's up to you guys.

Nathanael, otherwise known as Volpin, was running across the rooftops.

He didn't understand why he felt this intense protective feeling for her. All she did was insult people, specifically Marinette. She even had to bribe Sabrina to stay friends with her.

So why did it hurt him so much to see her taken away? And by that botanist villain no less. The one villain that could do actual damage to her.

Now that he was Volpin, the fox miraculous holder, he had the power to save her. And maybe, just maybe, he could convince her that what she does is wrong.

That could work, right?

"Volpin? I would have suspected someone more... Experienced than you would have come. Perhaps, Ladybug and Chat Noir?" The akuma chuckled as she shook a, surprisingly enough, scared Chloe.

"Come on. Let's just do this easy way, huh? I'd prefer to stick to the rule of a man not hitting a woman." He jumped back, dodging the thorn covered vine that was swung at him. As a result of the weapon missing him, the vine lashed out at Chloe, splitting the yellow cardigan she was wearing, leaving behind a deep red gash on her shoulder.

Her cry of pain was just adding fuel to the fire as Nathanael dove forward, breaking through the wall of vines the akuma placed between the two teenagers. His tail snagged on to the thorns but he managed to snatch Chloe out of the akuma's grasp, holding her in one arm as he played a small tune from his flute.

Several foxes surrounded him and Chloe, all baring their teeth at the female villain. At his word, the foxes jumped forward, ripping all of the vines that were chasing after Volpin in to pieces as he raced to find a safe place for Chloe.

He leapt from building to building until they were a safe distance away. He set her on top of an AC, as he began to play another small tune.

"I'm sorry."

What? Nathanael stared at Chloe with a confused look. She hadn't spoken the whole time, but when she finally does, her first words are 'I'm sorry'?!

"Sorry for what?" He asked as a white bandage wrap appeared in his hands, dangling loosely between his fingers.

"For everything. I know that I'm a terrible person." Volpin started to push the cardigan off of her, being extremely delicate with her wounded shoulder.

"It took an akuma hurting you for you to realize that?" He sighed when he saw her solemn face, her usually bright and sparkly azure eyes now dull and gray. "I didn't mean that... You're actually a good person, Chloe. You should give yourself more credit. And less of an ego..." He whispered to himself as he began to wrap her shoulder.

"And you actually give Ladybug, Chat, and I some work. So there's that." He joked, glancing back up at her eyes to see if he was cheering her up. No such luck.

He decided it'd be best if he stayed silent. He knew he had to wrap this up quickly, thanks to using his magic for the bandage, his foxes were gone. He could only hope his partners were already on the scene.

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