Chat vs Lasers (Marichat)

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     Marinette sighed as she heard the plop of her pillow falling onto the ground for the millionth time. Chat was picking up her handmade pillow with his boots by throwing it up in the air and catching it with his hands, his claws dangerously close to piercing the fabric. Once the pillow was back in his grasp l, he'd just throw it back on the floor again to repeat the action once more.

Once the pillow hit the ground again, she slammed her notebook shut, shoving it to the opposite side of the desk. A dull throbbing filled her temple as she rubbed her forehead in an attempt to soothe the oncoming headache.

"What's wrong purr-incess?" A pair of bright green eyes flashed in front of her blue ones as Chat hung his head over her, staring at her upside down.

"I'm tired of doing homework, it's giving me a headache." She scrunched her nose up in surprise as Chat pressed his lips on her forehead, swiping her bangs away with his gloved hand. "That reminds me," Chat pulled away and took a few steps back as she got out of her chair and moved to the end of the desk. "I bought this for you."

She pulled out a sleek, silver, laser out of her drawer, closing it with her hip as she walked up to him.

"A laser pointer?.." The confused face he had, wore off as realization hit him. His eyes went wide and his jaw dropped, his mouth forming into an 'o' shape. "Marinette wait-"

"Here kitty!" She wore a chesire grin as she turned it on, the red laser shining out. She pointed it at her floor, a red dot contrasting lightly against the pink rug. Instinctively, Chat jumped towards it, his hands in front of him as he collided with the floor. He lifted his hands up to see if he got anything, but there was no dot there.

Marinette laughed as she watched Chat bound around the room, chasing a dot he will never catch.

"Come here!" He crashed into her wall, a loud thumping sound echoing through out her room.

"Marinette, honey, are you alright?"

"Uh- yeah mom! I just fell, I'm okay though!" Chat and Marinette sat in anticipation, anxious to see if Sabine would come upstairs. To their relief, the trapdoor in Marinette's room never opened.

"Gimme that!" Chat snatched the laser pointer away from Marinette, who was now sporting a disappointed look. "This, is how you use a laser pointer." He pointed the laser at the center of her nose, her eyes crossing so she could see it.

"What are you-" she stopped talking as he leaned forward and kissed the tip of her nose. The unexpected kiss made her cheeks flare up, a flustered Marinette staring at Chat Noir in surprise.

"That's how you use it." He grinned at her, baring all his teeth before she pulled him in for a kiss on the lips. He dropped the pointer as he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him so that the only thing between them was the leather of his suit and the cotton of her shirt. A smirk etched itself onto his lips as he gently pulled the hair ties out of Marinettes hair, letting it fall loosely against her shoulders.

Marinette pulled back and smiled at him, their arms still around each other, hers around his shoulders and his around her waist.

"I love you."

"Of course you do. You have to love your boyfriend."

Haiiii. I'm back! Hope you liked this idea! I would have done more on the laser part but I wanted to get this out as soon as I could.

Also, which ship do you want for next week? Please place your vote by commenting ONCE next to the pair you want.

Chloe x Nathanael

Until next time, peace!

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