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Everything had gone according to plan.

Which was bad. 

Nothing ever went according to the plan. Half of the time they ended up not planning a plan because the plan would de-plan itself and then re-plan itself on the fly. 

 She had been in position for hours waiting for Fett to signal her that he had Sidney out of the jail. They would have to move fast without time to inform Sidney on the inside, and they just had to hope that she would catch on.  

Position one was Sammy on a roof across from the Jedi Temple Hospital wing. Position two was Fett doing a bit of here, there and everywhere. 

They both agreed that something would go wrong, but they couldn't figure out what, so they went for the plan. 

Sammy looked through the scope again. Target watching was hard, and boring. She would much rather be the one jail breaking, but Fett knew the prison layout better than she did, so she was stuck as the distraction/ attempt number two at the job. 

They knew that this job was impossible when they took it but they were the best at what they did, so they took it.

 And now they were here....

It had been at least a year since either she or Sidney had been captured.  Within that year their reputation as the Backstreet Girls had moved from lowly mercenaries to the top 15 most dangerous bounty hunters, a much better place to search for what they had long been seeking. 

Sammy looked at her watch face, seeing that it read 10:05pm. She had to wait about 45 more minutes to let Fett set everything up and then she would fire. Sammy put her eye back up to the scope looking into the hospital room, everything was the same as it had been for the last hour or so. Mace Windu sat next to Yoda, his face way to scrunched up for the good of his complexion. Yoda's heartbeat was at a very slow steady beat, she would still have to fix that.... 

Sammy sensed change in the room as Windu turned his head toward an unheard sound. Sammy tensed up, finger tugging at the trigger

The door opened to reveal the doctor, just coming in to make his rounds. Sammy pulled back away from her scope when her earpiece buzzed. Sammy touched the piece lazily with her pointer finger,
" Black Shadow, what's the weather like tonight?"

"Red Sea, we've got a storm coming, I repeat we have a storm coming." Fett's voice came in slightly staticky through her piece.

Sammy cursed under her breath. Fett's message was a two way code. The storm coming was an obvious code, we've run into some trouble, but the code name he gave is what determined how serious the trouble was. Red Sea was the top of the list in really bad.

         " What's happened?"

Sammy only heard static coming through her earpiece until she could faintly make out Fett's voice.

         "' now"

The last two words came out very clearly as if Fett were yelling them from his position inside the prison. Sammy had gotten enough through the static to figure out that the doctor couldn't be allow to leave that room alive. She turned back to her scope, aimed right at the doctor and fired.

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