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Sidney woke up after one of the best nights sleep she had ever received. Sidney never slept well, her dreams were always filled with her past catching up to her. But when she was with Jango her nightmares never bothered her. 

Sidney smiled and turned in the bed to look at her boyfriend of a year. 'One year has gone by so fast. We rarely get to see each other, but when we do my whole world freezes over again and I actually question abandoning my goal, abandoning Sammy, for a life with him.' 

She lend over, gentle kissing Jango on the cheek and lying her head to rest on his bare chest. Jango stirred awake by her movements, put his arm across her bare waist, pulling her in even closer.  

" You're in a good mood this morning", he whispered as he pressed a kiss into her hair. 

"Well my boyfriend, being the excellent man he is, broke me out of jail, and used it as an excuse to plan a romantic get away to make love to me." 

"He sounds like an absolute gentleman, to take all that time and effort to plan stuff like that for you." Jango moved from kissing her hair to her neck. 

"Ohhh," she sighed, "he is. An absolute gentleman. Who occasionally kills people for a living."  

"He already has his form of living. Thats great. I mean every job tends to require you to oft someone now and again."   Jango rolled them over so that he was on top of Sidney. 

"Indeed, I am so lucky to have such a won...." Sidney trailed off as Jango pressed his mouth to hers, completely forgetting herself and what she was saying, by the passion of his kiss. 

" I think.....that we.......need a re....repeat of......last night." Sidney managed to get out in between their kisses. 

Jango stopped for a minute, a sly smile on his face. " I'm way ahead of you love."


Jango sat at the table drinking his regular grub and reading the paper. He glanced up as Sidney walked out of the bathroom, her hair still dripping from the shower, wearing only one of his button up shirt. 

His gazes drifted to her stomach as he thought about the heat signatures and the plus sign on the scans in the prison.

 'She didn't tell me.' He thought. 'Why didn't she tell me? I get the need for secrets, but this, this is big, and it effects us. I just have to ask her, maybe she doesn't know. But why would she not know?'

 Sidney grabbed a pineberry and sat down across from Jango. 

"I know that look" she huffed, "what's the matter?"

"Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant?!" The question flew out of Jango's mouth before he had time to question saying it. 

"What in the blue-blazes are you talking about?"  Sidney stared at Jango incredulously, concern rising in her voice. "Am I pregnant?!" Her voice rose as she stood up, "What kind of question is that? You might as well ask me if I'm force sensitive!"

"A reasonable one seeing as how the tests run on you when you were caught show you as testing positive!" Jango shoved his cup on the table glaring at Sidney who's face crumpled in dismay at the words. 

"I.....I'.....I'm pre....pregn.......pregnant? Like with child, pregnant....Ohh Domi it makes sense...." Sidney shook her head, and fell back into her seat, starting to mumble to herself. "The last month makes so much more sense. Feeling sick every morning, I thought I'd just caught a blasted stubborn flu.... but pregnant........." 

She looked up at Jango, "Is this a good thing? For us, or in general? H*** Jango I don't kn........"

Jango stood up and walked over to Sidney, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing the top of her head. "You didn't know?" Sidney shook her head. "Would you have told me if you did?" Sidney hesitated, then shook her head.

"I honestly don't know. How do you feel about the idea of being a father?"

"I don't know, but I guess I have about 9 months to figure it out."

"I think I'd put it closer to 7, remember Axxila?" Jango nodded and Sidney sighed. "I guess I should go visit my good friend in Mandalore, see if I can't get a discrete scan. This is going to complicate everything isn't it?"

"I don't know." Jango replied, "But if it's a girl I hope she has your eyes." Sidney hummed,

"If it's a boy I hope he has your hair."

The Hunter and HuntedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz