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Jinn clicked off his comm, nodding at Sammy to signify that he had his padawan working on making sure those scans 'never saw the light of day' an absolutely ghastly term that Sammy, contrary to Jinn's thoughts on bounty hunters, would never use. 

She took a sip of tea, trying to return to her calm composed self, as Jinn sat down at the table. 

"I guess the easiest way to explain is to start at the beginning" she sighed.

"I find it tends to be the best place to st..."

"Rule number 1, From now on no interrupting. Rule number 2, Life is never easy," Sammy glared at Qui-Gon forcing their eyes to meet, " that is the one thing you will learn from our life."

Qui-Gon raised an eyebrow. 

"It really starts about 3 years ago. When Sidney and I had just started as bounty hunters. We owed the Duchess of Mandalore a favor from our previous occupation and she had called it in."

                                                             Three Years ago on Tatooine


Sidney clicked off their emergency comm, the one that only 2 people had accesses to. Her black trench coat was torn in multiple places, the dirt of their small 'safe house' stained the bottom and dust covered most of her. Sammy figured that she didn't look much better. The only things that were clean were the blasters they each carried. "So..."Sammy questioned when Sidney hadn't said anything to her for a few minute. 

"It's Satine." She finally provided. "The war in Mandalore is escalating. She's been put under protection. She calling in a favor. We're meeting up with her in a week on Kalevala."

"So why the grim look? I thought you liked Satine ?"

"I do. It's just that someone else has also been assigned to protect her." 

"Is that not a good thing?" Sammy question. At 14 years of age she didn't understand the thinking of her 16 year old sister. There were hired to protect someone. In Sammy's mind all the help they could get was worth it. 

"It's fine." Sidney practically spat, making her way towards the door. "We just need to finish up this job for the Hutts, and be on our way." 

Sammy shrugged and followed her sister out the door. 

                                                                        1 Week Later on Kalevala

Sammy landed their starship 'Forgotten Blood' at the coordinates that Satine had given them. Sammy always flew, Sidney hated flying, she was in the back where she hopefully would not get sick. The coordinates Satine had provide took them to a small field, with a path that led up to a small house.

 Sammy finished the landing procedure, and headed to the back. Sidney was just coming out of the small bathroom, appearing to have failed at not getting sick based on how pale her face was. They strapped on their blasters, Sidney her two pistols, Sammy a sniper riffle and a pistol. Instead of wearing their traditional black trench coats and cowboy hats they had opted for more civilian like clothing. Sammy still had a trench coat, this one in a light tan, to block out the wind when she was in snipping position. She wore light brown pants and a white shirt. Sidney was wearing dark brown pants and a tan shirt with a padded brown vest over it. She still wore her wrist gauntlets and scope glasses that were tinted to hide her eyes. 

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