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Sammy sat at the small table in her apartment, sipping at her tea. She stared at the Jedi master who sat across from her, giving her a glare that Obi-Wan had told her and Sidney he refers to as the Jinn stare. A stare Jinn wore on his face often, a form of deliberation when he was trying to decide what he believe. From the near year that Sammy had traveled with him it seemed to be a permanent expression for the Jedi. Sammy smiled. She always smiled, she had never understood smirking, but she enjoyed smiling. 

"We both know that you're never going to full believe or trust me, so why don't we move on. Knowing you, you'll deliberate until you die."

Jinn stared directly into Sammy's eyes. She felt the tiniest presence of his power pushing against her soul, demanding to be let in. To unlock her secrets and feed on her emotions. Sammy breathed, slow and deep, trying to do what Sidney had taught her to prevent the force from changing her. She put what the Jedi wanted to believe in the front of her mind. 'I am a liar. It is in my nature to lie, but you scare me enough, threaten me enough that for once, just this once I am telling the truth. Or at least, the majority of it.' Sammy repeated over and over again to herself while breathing deeply, keeping an even stare into Jinn's eyes. After a few minutes Jinn nodded his head, apparently satisfied that Sammy was like every other low life and caved easily under the presence of the force. 'He really should have learned better over all the time we spent together.' Sammy thought as she slid into a relaxed state again, failing to notice the presence of the force against her soul again as it judged her heart.

"Very well" Jinn said, satisfied that he would be able to tell the true feelings of the bounty hunter. "I believe that part, for now. How about you carry on?"

"You know most of the story of Mandalore, are you sure you don't want me to skip to where we split up?" 

"I'd rather hear it from your perspective. Besides, my memory is feeble and I have forgotten parts." Jinn softly smiled at her.

Sammy scoffed, but continued...


 Sammy launched 'Forgotten Blood' into the sky, blood dripping from the blaster wound on her leg. Cursing in some very un-lady like language she set a course for Concordia. A few minutes later Obi-Wan joined her, carrying medical gauze and lotion. 

"May I?" He asked in a civilized tone, gesturing at the wound. Sammy shook her head. 

"Take over the helm, I'll do it." She said, holding out her hand for the gauze. Obi-Wan stared at her for a second, then handed over the gauze and lotion as he slid into the co-pilot seat. Sammy relaxed in her seat, stretching her leg out. Wincing she pulled out a knife from a sheath on her waist and cut off the clothing from around her wound.  

"That doesn't look to good." Obi-Wan said from beside her, not even looking at the wound. "It will take a while to heal." 

"I've had worse." Sammy snapped as she rubbed the lotion directly into the wound, bitting her lower lip to prevent her from screaming. She waited until she had finished putting on the medicine and was in the process of wrapping her injury before she asked, "How are Satine and Sidney doing?"  

Obi-Wan hesitated for a brief moment, barely managing to hide the look of shock that passed across his face. Why people though that bounty hunters didn't care about people was beyond Sammy, she cared deeply for Sidney and Satine. "Satine is fine, she just got a scratch. I don't know about Morgan. She passed out right after we boarded. My master put her on the bed and was checking on her. He did, however, look concerned." Obi-Wan confessed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2020 ⏰

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