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Jango stared at the holo computer in front of him trying to grasp what he was seeing. 

He knew that every Bounty Hunter had their secrets.

 He himself had many. 

He had worked with the Backstreet Girls enough now to know that they were just teenagers around 17 years old. Jango didn't care that they were young, he had also started to be a big shot around that age, but most Bounty Hunters would be furious so he kept the secret for them.

 But this..... this was huge. 

And if the Jedi had it, it could destroy Sidney, 

and...well...Sammy too,

 but mainly Sidney.

Jango went to exit out of the midichlorian scan, when something else caught his eye, a basic health scan complete with heat signatures. Sidney's stomach had way to much red, and a plus sign by it. 

Jango swore and closed out of the scans, he didn't have time to process what that plus sign meant right now. 

 He contacted Sammy giving her the Red Storm warning, while trying to put up his own security codes around the file. 

But d*** it Jango was no hacker, that was normally Sammy's job. He managed to get some basic locks set up and hoped he would remember where the file was so Sammy could come back and burn it. 

Jango turned the holo computer off, having finally grabbed what he had originally gotten on to grab, the cell number that Sidney was being held in and a map to get there, and headed on his way to rescue her.

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