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The blade hung threatening at her throat, green light flickering steadily, parallel to her nose. The blade slowly went upwards, forcing Sammy to raise her head with it until she was looking directly into the blue eyes of her assailant. 

Qui-Gon Jinn, Jedi Master, calmly held up a little black square in his other hand. "I noticed you left a little present for me. I don't believe I have ever seen anyone use a speeder crash to dump a holo-cube of information, until now. I must say it's quite ingenious. To think that it has taken me almost three years to figure out that it was you and your sister leaving needed information where you knew I would find it. It begs the question Sammy, if you and your sister have been feeding information to the Jedi, then why are you trying to kill Master Yoda? And what do you need to end?"

Sammy shook her head, starting to laugh silently in a hope that it would cover up the tears that were starting to form in the corners of her eyes. "I'd take that cube Jinn and pretend that you never saw me after the crash, it'll make both of our lives easier."

"I'm either taking you or the information that I came to get Sammy. It's your choice, but as a little motivation I have my padawan digging up those scans on Sidney from the prison right now. You will give me the information that I want or I will turn those scans into the Jedi Council with all of the other information I have on you two."

"You think that you can scare me away with a couple of scans," Sammy scoffed "who do you think that I am, Zero the Hut." 

"I made them do a a genetics test on your sister as well as a force sensitivity test, the results, I'm informed, are quite fascinating." 

Sammy tried to control her breathing from speeding up. 'He's bluffing, he has to be bluffing. If they have that information, but there's no way. No way that they've managed a genetics test that fast, but a force sensitivity, that could bust us. Destroy everything we've worked for....... but then we could stop hiding......stop lying.....we could end this.......'

But all she could see was flashes of red, a hospital room that was too white, and a home that was too dark. 

"I tell you want you want," she breathed out haggardly "and you burn those test results."

"It is impossible to burn any records from the console especially one in the jail, but I can make it extremely difficult for them to ever see the light of day again, I believe is the expression you bounty hunters prefer." Jinn said while turning off his lightsaber. 

Sammy nodded, relaxing her head now that there was no longer a blade threatening her neck. "What do you want to know?" 

"I want to know what you what you were doing on Mandalore and what you are doing now."

Sammy sighed, gesturing towards the small table. "Sit down while I make some tea, you're asking for about four years of history plus some. I honestly shouldn't do this......" Sammy turned abruptly to face Qui-Gon, "None of this information leaves this room." 

Qui-Gon hesitated. Sammy glared at him. "Agreed," he finally sighed "but you have tell the truth." 

Sammy stalked to the small kitchen area to make tea, when she came back she handed Qui-Gon a cup and sat down across from him. "Even knowing a part of our story can put you on a kill radar. Knowing all of it will guarantee a bounty on your head." Sammy glanced up a Qui-Gon who met her gaze evenly. "Fine I'll tell you all that I know....." 

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