Arclight Brothers x Suicidal! Sister! Reader (Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal)

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Reader's p.o.v.

Since father had come back I was often alone. My brothers always tried to help him and forgot about my existence. I hated father because of that.

Christopher-nii had just turned old enough to take me and the others back under his care. So I had only gotten my brothers back. They had safed me from the hell that dared to call itself an orphanage. I was slowly getting back to my old joyful and cheerful self when father came back and took my brothers away from me. Again. They stopped talking to me. They ignored me.  It was like i stopped existing. I always shut myself in my room and cried. At some point I couldn't take it anymore. I started cutting myself. I just wanted my stupid life to end. But I hadn't found the courage to do so. Whenever I tried jumping of a house or tried to kill me in any other way that I could think of I always ended up stopping shortly before I did it.

The last time I had a long conversation with my brothers was shortly after father had re entered our lives and now it was rare for them to even be home. So I didn't thought they would be at home right now. I wanted this misery to stop. So today I wanted to take the final step. The one that I had been too scared to take for all this time.
It's not like they would care if I was gone, right? But just in case they would care I had prepared a letter. I placed it infront of the door. But I placed it somewhere where they couldn't find it right away.

After placing it I went into the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I filled the bathtub with water. Now I had two options. The first one was drowning but I decided to not do that. The other one was cutting my wrist deep enough to hit something important and then hold my wrist into the water. After some time I decided to do that. I had already gotten a knife.
I took the knife in my hand and slowly brought it to my skin. As I cut through my skin some of my older cuts opened too. I flinched. But I didn't stopped. I had to get deeper or else I wouldn't die. After some minutes of cutting I had finally reached deep enough. There was a lot of blood flowing out of my wrist. It hurt terribly but I didn't mind. I was already feeling light headed so I didn't thought that it would take much time for me to die. I slowly let my hand glide into the bathtub. I could see how the water around my arm turned red.

But right when I thought that I could finally sleep I heard the door open downstairs. People entered the house. I could hear the voices of my brothers. They had come home. Even though I wasn't fully conscious anymore I could hear that two pair of feet went into our livingroom. After some moments of silence one of them was calling something and then there were fast steps heard as someone was running the stairs up. The last thing I heard was Michael's panicked voice calling out my name and loud knocking on the door before I blacked out.

Michael's (Trey's) p.o.v.

"(F/N)! (F/N), OPEN THE DOOR!"

"Michael, what is wrong?"

Thomas and Christopher must have heard me because they both came running to me.

"We need to open the door! NOW!"

I must have looked pretty scared because neither of them asked why. They just tried to open the door. We didn't know where the spare key for the bathroom was so we had to somehow break the door down. Thomas and Christopher took some steps back and ran with full force into the door. Luckily it didn't took as long as it at first seemed.

But what greeted us when the door was down was anything but pleasant.

(F/N) was sitting on the floor. She leant against the bathtub which was filled with red water. One of her arms was dangling into the water. The tips of her (h/l) (h/c) hair were swimming in the tub. Christopher was the first to react. He ran to her and pulled (F/N)'s limp body away from the bloody bathtub. (F/N) was laying in his arms like a lifeless doll. She didn't moved.

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