Art x Pregnant! Reader (Hamatora)

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Reader's p.o.v.

I stared in disbelieve at the stick in my hand. Positive. Positive! I hadn't been feeling too well in the past few days. I hadn't thought too much about it. But when my period was four days too late I had gotten a bit nervous. I had decided to take pregnancy test.

"(F/N)? Is everything okay?"

Art asked from the other side of the door. He seemed a bit worried.

"Yes, don't worry."

I hid the pregnancy test in my pocket and opened the door. Art stood there. His violet eyes scanned me worriedly (is that even a word?).

"Art, I'm alright, really."

I smiled at him. But my hands were nervously playing with the sleeves of my pullover and I knew that Art knew that there was something wrong.

"If you say so..."

He sighed.

"But you know that you can tell me anything. I'm always there for you."

I smiled and wrapped my arms around his torso.

"I know. I love you, Art."

"I love you too, (F/N)."

He returned my hug. After some time Art's arms started to get loose. He still had something to do for his work. But before he could leave I grabbed his tie and pulled him down to me. Before he could protest I placed me lips on his and caught him in a kiss. Art immediately kissed back. At some point we had to part because of the lack of oxygen.

"Don't overwork yourself, okay?"

Art lovingly caressed my cheek and smiled.

"Yes, I'll try."

He placed a kiss on my forehead and then left to go back to work. As I heard the door to his room close I silently started to freak out. Art and I were going to be parents! There was a child growing inside of me. A warm feeling spread through my body.  A child. Our child.
But what would Art think about it. He was very occupied with his work. I nervously bit my nails as I made my way to our bedroom and let myself fall onto the bed. I buried my face in my pillow.
How would Art react? Would he want the child? Would he leave me? I quickly shook my head. Art wouldn't do that. I sighed and sat up. I looked at the clock.

"I should go to sleep..."

After I had finished everything I wanted to do I went to bed and fell asleep very fast.


I blinked a few times and rubbed my eyes. I looked to my left. It was 5 a.m. I groaned. It was early and I was already feeling terrible. I looked to my right. Art wasn't there. He probably was making himself ready for work. I stood up and walked out of the bedroom. I could hear Art doing something in the kitchen. I wanted to go to him when I suddenly felt the urge to throw up. I immediately ran into the bathroom and emptied the contains of my stomach into the toilet. God, this morning sickness was worse than in the last days.

"(F/N), you're not okay."

Art knelt down behind me. He took the strands of my hair that were falling in my face and held them behind my head. When I felt a bit better I smiled weakly.

"I'm alright, Art."

I didn't know how I should tell him that everything would be fine in some months.

"Should I stay home?"

"Art, really I'm fine."

He looked at me a bit sceptical. I knew that I had to tell him at some point. Art sighed.

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