Asian Family x Dying! Country! Sister! Teenager! Reader (Hetalia)

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Contains South Korea, Japan, China and Hong Kong

Also this is kinda based on my idea that the personifications feel the pain of war if it's a war where only the country itself is involved. Meaning two or more opinions clash inside the country and different groups form and they use actual violence and many people die.

And I believe that if a country dissappears they are reborn as humans. They won't remember anything about their lives before that. But they'll want to travel a lot and visit many countries or maybe one or two in particular. And someone might recognise them and know their name. But they won't remember who it is. When they die they get to remember their live as a country and get to die in knowledge that they have lived in both worlds.
Reader's p.o.v.

A war. Not a world war but a war inside of my country. There had always been clashes between different groups of people but it had never been this bad. Normally the situation would calm down after some days but this time the riots didn't stop. It got worse day after day and so did my health. My brothers didn't wanted me to know but knew that I would fade away soon.

When it started I was with my older brothers. Someone had dropped a bomb somewhere in my country. Immediately many people died. I felt an immense pain. I remember my brothers panicking before I lost consciousness. Ever since the riots started Kiku, Yao and Im Yong tried to help with the problems within (C/N). Leon couldn't help with the political situation so he stayed home and whenever a new wave of pain came he stayed by my side and tried to ease the pain in other ways. Even though he didn't showed any kind of emotion I knew that it pained him to see me like this.


I opened my eyes. I must have blacked out again. I groaned and tried to sit up. But I fell down again half way through the process. I was weak. While Leon watched over me he kept me away from any news related stuff. But even without it I knew that the end for my country and me was getting closer and closer.

I stared at a small picture next to my bed. It was a picture of Yao, Kiku, Im Yong, Leon and me. Im Yong and I were dragging Leon back to us while Yao was talking to Kiku and standing really close to him. Kiku looked very displeased by Yao invading his personal space. I smiled. This picture showed the beauty of my family. They tried so much to help me even though it's obvious that there isn't anything that they could do to help me. There was no way (C/N) would continue to exist with all of the problems going on. I was destined to dissappear. I heard voices from downstairs. My brothers were here. I tried to sit up again. It didn't worked again. I sighed. I could call for them but I didn't wanted to do so. So I rolled towards the edge of my bed and when I reached it I gave one last push and fell on the floor. Very painful but I was out of bed now.

The voices from downstairs were quiet and soon I heard someone approaching my room. With the help of my bed I sat up. The door swung open and the worried faces of my brothers appeared.

"What happened (F/N), aru?"

"Why are you sitting on the froor?"

"Are you alright, da-ze?"

"I told you to stay in bed."

Yao and Kiku helped me back onto the bed. I smiled up at the four.

"But it worked. You're here."

They looked at me in shock. Suddenly Im Yong started squealing and hugged me. His grip was so firm that he would surely strangle me if he would continue.

"Im Yong ret (F/N) go. You're strangring her!"

Im Yong immediately let go of me. I inhaled deeply. The four pairs of eyes looked at me worried.

"Why did you wanted us to come? "

Yao looked a bit confused. I smiled up at him.

"To say goodbye."

"What do you mean, (F/N)?"

Leon's emotionless eyes seemed to look for an explanation in my eyes.

"Yes, (F/N)! You won't dissappear! We will find a way to help you with the problems in your country!"

"Im Yong, you know as good as me that there is nothing you can do to help me."

I gave him a sad smile and held my hand up so they could see it.

"See? I'm already starting to dissappear."

My fingertips were a bit transparent. The gasps of my brothers were heard. In just a few seconds my whole hand was transparent and my fingertips were completely gone. A moment of silence followed. But the silence was broken as Im Yong started crying and brought me into another bone crushing hug. But this time I didn't complained. Instead I returned the hug. I felt another pair of arms sneak around me. I looked behind me. Leon had wrapped his arms around my waist. His face was buried in my clothes but he was shaking so I knew that he was crying.

My hands were now completely gone and my arms had also started to dissappear. Yao joined the hug as my body continued to dissappear. Even Kiku got over his personal space and gave me a hug. The first hug he ever gave me and sadly the last one.

Nobody's p.o.v.

The girl looked more like a ghost now. Her time with her brothers was almost over. But she didn't stopped to smile. As the last bit of her disappeared a ghostly
"Thank you."
was heard. The four brother's moans and cries filled the room. They were clinging onto each other and tried to ease the pain of the others. The four brothers, who hadn't even thought of the others as their brothers, had been brought closer again by the death of their younger sister who was loved by all four of them.

~timeskip (14 years)~

After (F/N)'s death Yao, Kiku, Im Yong and Leon had been meeting up more often. They would then walk through whatever city they decided to meet up and talk about random things. This time they decided to go to a special cafe in Tokyo which (F/N) liked to visit too.

They met up in a train station and then made their way to the cafe. Shortly before they reached the cafe Leon bumped into someone. He wanted to apologise quickly but what he saw made him freeze. Infront of him stood a girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair. She looked up at him and his brown eyes met her (e/c) eyes. Eyes he thought he would see never again.


He asked in disbelieve. Hearing the name non of them had said since her death Yao, Kiku and Im Yong turned around to look who their brother was talking to. All three of them stared at the girl.

"Yes, that's my name. Should I know you?"

The girl asked and looked up at Leon questioning. She then noticed the three other brothers staring at her. She looked over at them confusion written all over her face. Yao walked over to them and took Leon's hand.

"Leon, come. We should go."

"But she..."

"I know Leon. But our (F/N) is dead. We were with her when she died."

"Yao! Look at her! She looks exactly like her!"

The girl stood between them absolutely confused. Kiku noticed her confusion and walked over to Yao and Leon. Im Yong followed him.

"Yao, Leon stop that. You're confusing the poor girl."

Im Yong said. Both looked over to the girl.


Mumbled Leon. Yao took his hand again and lead him a bit away. Im Yong followed straight. Kiku bowed a bit.

"I aporogise for the behaviour of my brothers. We have rost our sister some time ago and you rook exactry rike her and you have the same name."

"Don't worry about it."

She mumbled but she clearly was still confused. Kiku nodded and headed over to his brothers. With a short look back the four of them continued their way to the cafe leaving behind a confused reincarnation of their younger sister.


And I still can't get Hisoka's personality right. He's driving me insane!!!

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