Father! Hisoka Morow x Daughter! Child! Reader (Hunter x Hunter)

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Reader's p.o.v.

I sat up and looked around. It was 8 a.m. and I was already awake and ready to go and do something. I jumped out of my bed and slowly made my way over to my window. The curtains blocked the world behind it out. I looked around in search for a chair. I saw the chair in front of my draw table. I took the chair and cautiously carried it over to the window. I placed it in front of the window and then climbed on it. After having found my balance I grabbed the curtains and in one, I must say, swift motion I opened them and the light filled my room.

Well, not really. It was november so there wasn't that much sunlight at 8 a.m. Taking a glace at our garden my jaw dropped. Everything was white. In the trees, on the grass, on the way to the door. Everywhere was snow.


I screamed and jumped from the chair. As fast as I could I ran to his bedroom.


I hastily opened the door and stumbled into the room. My father sat on his bed and was reading a book. As I entered the room he looked up from his book.

"What is it (F/N), sweetie?"

"There's snow everywhere, daddy!"

I explained as I ran to him and jumped on to the bed. He layed his book down and 'ohhh'ed. He then grinned at me.

"And you want to go outside."

I eagerly nodded my head.

"Can we? Can we? Can we?"


"Yay! Come daddy!"

I grabbed his hand and tried to drag him out of the bed. Tried is a good word. It was just me using all of my power while dad didn't even had to bend his arm to stop me. I sat on the ground, stared up to him and pouted. An amused grin was plastered across his face.

"You have to eat something before you're allowed to go outside and you have to wear something else. You can't go outside in your nightgown."

"But daddy! I wanna go in the garden right now!"

He chuckled and before I could protest he had picked me up and carried back to my room. I actually didn't struggle while dad helped me into my warm clothes. I still wasn't ready to go outside because we first had to eat something but I was getting closer to the cold fluffy substance covering the world around me.

I was still incredible bouncy and jumped around while dad was preparing breakfast. He tried to calm me but it didn't work. When he placed the food on the table I ate as fast as I could.

When dad was done eating he again picked me up and went to the wardrobe. It took some time until he had found the winter clothes. Then he started to wrap me into a lot of clothes. In the end l myself felt like a snowman.

"Daddy I can't move properly!"

He simply nodded.

"But now you'll stay warm while playing outside and you won't get sick."

I pouted and wanted to retort something but my excitement came back and I started to waddle towards the door. I didn't turn around but I knew daddy had a hard time suppressing his laughter. I reached for the doorknob and was able to reach it after I went on to my tiptoes. I opened the door and was immediately hit by a cold wind. After a short moment of getting used to the cold in my face I stepped out in the beautiful winter landscape. My excitement now reached its maximum and I ran outside and jumped in the nearest snow pile. I giggled as I saw a little squirrel running towards a nearby tree. I looked after it as it made its way towards the top of the tree. I freed myself from the pile of snow I was still sitting in and made my way to the big free space in our garden. The snow was already at least 20 cm high. Meaning I could build a snowman. I formed a small ball and then I started to roll it criss-cross through our garden until it was big enough. Then I repeated the process twice. Now came the hard part. I had three big snowballs and now I had to get them on top of eachother. I stared at them for a moment thinking of different ways how to get the outcome I wanted when two big hands grabbed one of the snowballs and lifted it up.


He chuckled.

"These are too heavy for you to carry."

He placed the one in his hands on the biggest one of them. Then he grabbed the last one and placed it on the other two.

"Thank you daddy! I'll go and get stuff for his face!"

▪timeskip to evening▪

After spending the whole day out in the cold having snowball fights and making snow angles I sat on the couch. I was neatly wrapped into a warm blanket and drank a hot chocolate. Daddy said that he would take a shower so I was all alone in the living room. The TV was on as I watched Yes! Pretty Cure 5. I was starting to drift into a light slumber as I heard the bell ring. At first I wanted to ignore it because daddy had told me not to open the door if he wasn't around. But who ever was outside didn't stopped. After 5 minutes of constant ringing I groaned. I placed my mug on the small table in front of me and unwrapped myself. I climbed from the couch. My small barefoot feet paddled against the cold floor as I made my way to the door. Still being incredibly tired I didn't thought twice and opened the door.

In front of me stood girl. Or maybe a guy. I wasn't completely sure. But he or she had blond hair, strange grey eyes and wore a strange blue and yellow dress or something like that. His or her face clearly held surprise probably not expecting a young girl to open the door. One of my hands clenched around the doorknob while I rubbed my eye with the other hands.

"Who are you?"

The guy or girl asked. I stared up at him or her.

"You're the one standing in front of my home. I should be asking that."

I replied. He or she raised a brow.

"You probably are right. I'm Kurapika Kuruta. Here lives Hisoka Morow, right?"

I nodded.

"Where is-"

"Are you a boy or a girl?"

The question just slipped out of my mouth. He stared at me slightly irritated. His eyebrow twitched.

"I'm a boy."

I opened my mouth to say something else when steps from upstairs were heard.

"Who are you talking to, (F/N)?"

"To Kurapika."

I answered. My father walked over to me. He knelt down to my level and smiled.

"I'll probably come home late and I don't want you to still be awake when I'm back, okay?"

I nooded.

"Okay daddy!

As I looked at Kurapika he seemed pretty confused. Dad pushed me back into the house.

"Good night (F/N)."

He said. I smiled.

"Good night daddy!"

I replied, waved and closed the door behind him.

But I'm pretty sure that Hisoka is fuckin OOC. Requests I'm working on:
1 Hisoka
2 Illumi
1 Kurapika

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2016 ⏰

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