Chapter 1

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"Time has passed ever since I became Ladybug. It's crazy, how I've made it this far without revealing my identity to the world, and also not finding out Cat Noir's identity as well. Hah, that silly kitty... He's been prying to get at my identity for so long already... I almost feel kind of bad for him. Almost. Maybe I'll tell him some day. Some day." Marinette wrote the words in her diary, then looked out the window, gathering in the sunshine of the morning's dawn, "Oh, and about Adrien and I? I promised him I'd go see him at one of his photo shoots. Right before we have to go meet Alya and Nino at the movies. I can't believe Chloe and I are on... Better terms than before... It's almost abnormal... Or weird."

"Marinette, you'd better hurry before he's done!" Tikki warned Marinette as she shut her diary and locked it in its box.

"Don't worry, I'll get there on time. I won't be late." Marinette rolled her eyes, "again... Besides, the park's not too far."

Marinette grabbed her purse, ran down the stairs, out the door, and down the sidewalk.

"Gee, I'm still surprised Adrien agreed to be your boyfriend!" Tikki giggled.

"Me too... But it makes me feel special knowing that there is a guy out there who loves me..." Marinette smiled to herself as she stopped at a red light.

"So are you going to ever tell him about you being Ladybug?" Tikki asked.

"Hm... I'm not sure. Maybe only when things between us start getting serious."

"You mean.... Engagement ring serious?"

"Yeah." Marinette nodded as she ran across the street and into the park, "see? Told you we'd get here in time."

"Whatever you say, Marinette." Tikki winked as Marinette walked up to where she spotted a camera and some lights set up in front of the trees. Then standing in front of the camera was Adrien Agreste himself.

"Okay, Tikki, hide." Marinette whispered as she closed the clasp on her purse.

"Smile!" The photographer yelled, but Adrien only yawned, "oh, come on! You have only five minutes left. Make these final ones count!"

Adrien nodded, but still looked tired.

"Adrien!" Marinette called. He looked up and saw Marinette smiling and waving over to him. The sight of her just snapped Adrien into a completely different universe. He was awake and all smiles now.

"Excellent!" The photographer beamed, then started clicking more photos, "and... Complete! Merci beaucoup, Monsieur Adrien."

As the photographer put his camera and tools away, Adrien wandered away and over to Marinette.

"Hey, you came." He smiled as he hugged her and gave her a kiss.

"Of course. Anything for you." Marinette giggled as she tapped his nose. "So, ready for the movies?"

"Let's not keep Nino and Alya waiting." Adrien nodded as he wound his fingers around Marinette's. He turned to his bodyguard, who stared at him uncertainly. Adrien motioned to him that everything was okay, and he and Marinette walked off.

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