Chapter 14

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Cat Blanc brought Allan all the way to the top of the Eiffel Tower.

"Anything seem familiar to you?" Cat Blanc smirked as he held Allan by the neck.

"This..." Allan gasped for air as he tried to get out of his grasp, "is where you dropped my sister..."

"That's right! You're smart." Cat Blanc said before laughing maniacally, "on second thought, that wasn't so smart of you to think you're so much better than me. Don't make promises you can't keep, hot stuff."

Suddenly, Cat Noir stopped for about a minute as he saw an image of Marinette in his mind.

"I'm not going anywhere."



"I couldn't keep my promise..." Cat Blanc whispered as tears welled in his eyes.


The sound of Allan's voice reminded him of his mission. So he shook the thought out of his mind and held Allan high over the long drop.

"Please..." Allan gasped, "I'll do anything. Just please don't let go..."

"Sorry. Should've said that before you started dating Marinette." Cat Blanc said as he held Allan up to his face, eye to eye, "she's mine. And she's been mine longer than I can remember. I can't let you interfere with our relationship that has gone longer than she's ever known you."

Cat Blanc realized what he had just said, then wished he could take it back.

Allan stared at the white cat before him and chuckled a little, "well, well, well. What do you know. You're the infamous Adrien Agreste, aren't you? You faked your death."

"Don't tell me what I already know." Cat Blanc tightened his grip.

"Do you know what you put Marinette through?! When she finds out you're alive, she's going to kill you. Unless the cops do it first. Your choice." Allan shrugged.

"I did it to keep her safe." Cat Blanc clenched his teeth, "you don't understand our situation. What circumstances we were put under."

"But was that both of you? Or just you?"

Cat Blanc was silent for a second, except for the loud cries and shouts from below them. But one sound that suddenly stood out was the whiz of a yo-yo.

"Cat Blanc!"

Both he and Allan turned to see Ladybug herself flying towards them. Before Cat Blanc could react, she flew past them, grabbed Allan, and landed expertly on top of a building.

"Ladybug! Thank goodness! I need to tell you something important!"

"Sorry Allan. It's got to wait. I need to take care of Cat Blanc before he does any further damage. Go into a building and stay there." Ladybug instructed. Allan nodded and ran off, just after she patted his back, planting a tracer on him.

She turned and stood on the edge of the building as everyone snapped pictures of the hero's reappearance after almost a month.


She turned to see her partner standing behind her some distance away on the same roof.

"Long time no see, my Lady."

"Cat Noir, what you're doing is wrong. And all for what, some girl? Is that it? I know Allan is dating that Marinette Dupain-Cheng girl, right? You love her?"

"It's best you stay out of it. You don't know this girl like I do."

Ladybug laughed, "don't know her? I know that she suffered this past couple weeks suffering the loss of her boyfriend whom she loved so much, she almost committed suicide. Well, she did, but was saved by Cat Noir himself. He clearly had feelings for her too, and she started having feelings for him too, surprisingly. Even with Allan in her life, she just couldn't deny him anymore."

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