Chapter 3

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"I can't stand this..." Marinette said as she paced back and forth in her room the next morning.

"Don't worry, Marinette. I'm sure everything's fine." Tikki reassured her.

"I really hope so..." Marinette turned to Tikki, who sat on her bed, "I don't know what I'd do if he gave up on me... Oh my gosh, Tikki..."

"No, no, don't think so negatively, Marinette. I'm sure he still loves you very much!" Tikki told Marinette.

"Should I head to school already? See if he's there?" Marinette asked as she picked up her book-bag.

"I don't know. What do you want to do?" Tikki asked.

"I don't know..." Marinette sighed, "I'll stay for a little while longer. I've still got twenty minutes." She dropped her bag to the side and sat in her pink swivel chair. She turned on her computer and pulled up the news channel. But as soon as she saw the leading story, she gaped, her face pale.


- A day ago -

"Nathalie! Why can't I go to school?!"

"Because, your father doesn't approve." Nathalie replied nonchalantly.

"How?! He's in prison!" Adrien complained, "Marinette's going to be there..."

"He's aware of that, but it seems he doesn't have a fondness towards Miss Dupain-Cheng."

"But why?! She's amazing! She's beautiful, talented, a great artist, a great baker, what is there to not like about her?" Adrien smiled as he thought about her.

"Well, he doesn't approve of her." Nathalie said, "and that's final."

"What I don't approve of is the fact that my own father was Hawk Moth!" Adrien shouted, "he tried to kill Ladybug!"

"That's enough, Adrien. Go to your room." Nathalie ordered. Adrien clenched his fists and ran to his room, slamming the door behind him.

"Oh, come on... I don't see how anyone would want to go to school when you can just stay home and sleep!" Plagg exclaimed as he flew out and rested on Adrien's pillow.

"This sucks, Plagg. I haven't seen Marinette in..."

"...Two days?" Plagg rose an eyebrow.

"Yes! Oh man, and I haven't been able to call her recently..." Adrien groaned, "she's so going to kill me..."

"Look, I don't see how you could agree to a relationship. I mean, it's not like you're cheating on her or anything." Plagg winked.


"With Ladybug? Let's not forget her!" Plagg said.

"No Plagg..." Adrien shook his head as he sat in his white swivel chair, "this.... this is different."

"Just think about it. You're still in love with Ladybug, aren't you?" Plagg asked.

"I don't know what to do..." Adrien said, "Ladybug could never love a cheesy guy like Cat Noir."

"Ah, well, looks like you've got a lot of time to kill now. Without school, y'know?" Plagg chuckled.

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