Chapter 13

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Marinette and Allan walked through the doors of the school and into the courtyard at the center of the school where everyone else was dancing, eating, and chatting.

"Marinette! How do you do it?!"

Marinette gave Alya a weird look, "do what?"

Alya leaned in, smirked, and lowered her voice, "get all the hot dudes?"

Marinette blushed, "wh-what?!"

"First Adrien, then Allan?! Girl, you're good."

"I-it's really nothing... Reall--"

Allan grabbed Marinette's hand, "C'mon, let's go dance, Princess."

"S-sure!" Marinette looked over at Alya, who gave her a thumbs up. Then she ran off with Allan.

"I want to take you out tonight." Allan said once they made it to the center of the floor, "you know, late past midnight."

"Maybe." Marinette shrugged as the music suddenly changed to a slow dance.

"Come on, it'll be fun. Just you and me." Allan whispered as he pulled her into his arms, entwined his fingers in hers, and moved slowly with the music.

"You... And me..." Marinette closed her eyes, then gasped...


"Come on, it'll be fun. Just you and me."

"No, I already told you. My mom wants me home by ten." Marinette laughed as she shoved her boyfriend playfully.

"Pwease? For me?" He pouted his lips and held her hands tighter.

Marinette looked into his pleading eyes, looked around his room, then bit her lip as she eyed the bed cautiously.

"You don't have to sleep in my bed... Or in my room... You could stay in the guest room if you think that's--"



"I'll stay. I don't care if my mom kills me. I'll be with you..." Marinette smiled as she felt his blonde hair between her fingers, "because I love you... Adrien."

Adrien smiled and leaned lower to kiss her, "I love you too, Marinette..."

Hours past as Marinette and Adrien watched a movie, then talked and laughed the rest of the night away. They fell asleep with Adrien's arms wrapped around her, but she suddenly jerked when she woke panting. She sat up, then looked down at Adrien.

"Hey... You okay?"

"I had a horrible dream..." Marinette whispered as she grabbed and clutched Adrien's shirt sleeve, "I... You..."

Adrien sat up and held her hand, "hey, hey, hey... You're never going to lose me."

Marinette's voice cracked, "Promise?"

"Promise." Adrien smiled as he pulled her into a kiss.


"I-I..." Marinette stared at Allan.

"Are you okay? You look like you saw a ghost..."

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