Chapter 11

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"So, the semi-formal at school is next week. Want to go with me?" Allan asked Marinette over the phone.

"Sure, I guess." Marinette shrugged.

"Look, about last week, I'm sorry."

"Tell me you're really sorry by explaining to me what's going on." Marinette said.

Allan sighed, "okay. Let's just say that right after we went to the ice rink, and I brought you home, I went to my own apartment, where my sister was. She was only ten years old, but..." Allan paused for a long while, then sniffed, "she was killed. And there was a note left there. From Cat Noir."

Marinette gasped, "are you saying...?"

"Cat Noir killed my sister, Marinette. He killed her."

"Allan, I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry he would ever do that, but.... I don't understand."

"He's jealous of me. Because don't you see it? He's in love with you. He's trying to make my life a living hell just because I love you." Now she can hear the tears in his eyes.

"I'll talk to him for you , if that will make you feel---"

"No. Marinette, what will make me feel better is knowing that you're not associated with that murderer anymore."

"But Allan... He saved my life... I can't just..."

"Mari, it's me or him." Allan warned, making Marinette purse her lips.

"Okay, Allan. See you soon, then." Marinette hung up the call and fell on her bed, "Cat Noir would never do that.... How would that even be possible..."

"This all just has to be a trick, Marinette. I don't see Cat Noir as a murderer..." Tikki said as she flew over next to her.

"I know Tikki, but Allan sounded like this is all real and true."

"What does your heart say, then?"

"My heart?" Marinette turned to Tikki, "says that I need to go talk to Cat Noir. and straighten all this out."

Tikki nodded, "Then that's what you're going to go do."

"Right." Marinette nodded, but jumped when she heard a knock on her door leading to her balcony, "uh, who is it?"

"It's me."

"Come in." Marinette replied as Cat Noir entered, then flipped onto her bed.

"Look, we need to talk." Marinette continued.

"Actually, I came to ask you something important." Cat Noir smiled as he sat up.

"Oh, well..."

"You go first."

"Thanks." Marinette nodded, took a deep breath, then exhaled, "well, I just wanted to know why you'd do that to Allan."

"What, trash talk him?"

"No. Or rather, why you'd do that to his sister."

"What? What sister?"

"The one you killed?"

Cat Noir's face went pale, "I'd never kill ANYONE. You know that!"

"But Allan told me--"

"He's a liar. Okay? I told you to stay away from that jerk."

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"He asked me to semi."

Cat Noir went silent. Then swallowed hard, "a-and you agreed?"

Marinette only nodded.

"And that's all you wanted to talk to me about?"

Marinette nodded again.

Cat Noir bit his lip.

"What did you want to ask me?"

Cat Noir turned to her, then shook his head, "it doesn't matter anymore. I didn't know Allan would ask you to Semi... Just..." Cat Noir opened the door to her balcony once again, letting in the cold night air, "just know that I killed no one. Never have, never will."

With that, Cat Noir stepped out and shut the door behind him, leaving Marinette shocked and speechless.

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