Chapter 15

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"So Ladybug finally made an appearance, huh?" Alya asked Nino.

"I mean, duh. If she really cared abut him, then she'd help him. What really surprises me is that Cat Noir almost became a murderer."

Marinette listened in on her conversation as she sat at her desk in front of the two. She turned to look at her tablet just as Allan walked in.

"Good morning, Marinette." Allan smiled sweetly as he sat down next to her. He leaned in for a kiss, but Marinette suddenly stopped him with her index finger.

"Look, we need to talk. After class."

"Oh... Okay." Allan nodded slowly, then turned to the front of the class.

School passed, and Marinette never said a word to Allan. By the end of the day, the two walked out to the park and sat down on a wooden bench.

"Okay. So..." Marinette sighed, "I'm breaking up with you. I'm sorry."

"I totally understand." Allan shook his head, "I knew this was coming. After the other night... You have Adrien back."


"I know it. Cat Noir is really Adrien."

Marinette stared at him, until a figure suddenly jumped and landed in front of them.

"Hey there... Allan." Cat Noir greeted.

Allan looked at him plainly, "Adrien."

"Look, Allan. He's already explained the whole situation to me. So since you're the only other person who knows, it's best you hear the story too." Marinette explained.

Allan crossed his arms and turned to Cat Noir, "okay. I'm listening."

Cat Noir nodded and took a deep breath, "so yes. I'm Adrien Agreste. Before the car crash, I was being forced by my dad's assistant, Nathalie, to forget about Marinette. On top of this, we were going to move to the states. It was a great opportunity, but what would've happened to Cat Noir here? Or what would've happened to Marinette? So I decided that I would fake my death. Everyone was heartbroken. Nathalie and my driver have already left for the states, while I'm still here. Not as Adrien, but as Cat Noir. I've also dedicated myself not only to continuing to fight alongside Ladybug, but to stay by Marinette's side through all this. So I'll still be Cat Noir, in Paris, and with the one I love. But things will get complicated if people find out that I'm really alive, then Nathalie will come back for me, and we'll have to go to the States all over again. So it's better this way. This secret is important. Especially now that you know I'm Adrien. Now that you know I'm Cat Noir, you absolutely cannot tell anyone."

Allan looked at Cat Noir, at Marinette, then back to Cat Noir, "and why should I?"

Cat Noir sighed, walked up to Allan, and put his hand on his shoulder, "look. What happened to your sister. I'm so sorry. That wasn't me. That was Cat Blanc. The mind-controlled psycho being controlled by the even bigger psycho, Hawk Moth. I'm really sorry. I know you don't trust me because of that. Please forgive and believe me when I say that wasn't me. Well, at least the real me." Cat Noir held out his hand for Allan to shake.

Allan looked at his hand, then smirked, "take care of Marinette." Allan took his hand and shook it. Then he turned to Marinette and gave her a hug.

"Thank you for understanding, Allan." Marinette smiled as Allan pulled away and walked off. She watched him as he left, until she felt Cat Noir's hand on her shoulder.

"Thanks for your help." Marinette turned to him.

"Hey, thank you." Cat Noir smiled.

"For what?"

"For being Ladybug."

Marinette smiled as he took her hand and pulled her to follow him. They went to the Agreste household. The gates and doors were locked, but Cat Noir found a secret entrance that he and Marinette could use whenever they want... Alone time. They walked through the halls and into his room. Cat Noir turned back into Adrien. Once Plagg and Tikki left, they shut and locked the door behind them.

"I haven't been alone with you in such a long time..." Adrien smiled as he wrapped his arms around Marinette, "I don't know about you, but I really missed it."

"I really missed you." Marinette whispered as they closed the space between them and kissed. It started out soft and comforting, but eventually became hungrier and more passionate. He picked her up and laid her on the bed, then got between her legs.

Marinette gasped, "A-Adrien..."


"I don't... I don't know if I want to yet..."

Adrien looked down at her, panting a little. He leaned down and gave her a kiss so light, she barely felt his lips. He pulled away, rolled over, and laid down next to her.

"Okay. I understand."

Marinette nodded and closed her eyes, taking deep breaths. She felt Adrien move closer to her, wrap his arms around her, and kiss her neck.

"You know you won't be able to see me as Adrien every day like you used to. Right?"

"I know."

"You wouldn't mind being seen with Cat Noir would you?"

"I really don't mind." Marinette smiled as she rolled to face him, "but... I'm sorry Ladybug hasn't been there for Paris all this time... It's just that... I completely lost it after you 'died'..."

Adrien chuckled, "well then I guess that's my fault. I really should've just talked to you."

"It's okay." Marinette shook her head, "that's past. You're here with me. Now. And I'm never going to lose you ever again."

"I swear, this'll never happen again." Adrien smiled as he hugged her tight. She hugged him tighter as he kissed the top of her head, "I love you, Marinette Dupain-Cheng."

"I love you too, Adrien Agreste."

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