Chapter 7

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"So what, is Cat Noir going to follow me everywhere I go?" Marinette asked Tikki as they walked to school. She did a quick 360 then kept walking, just for good measure.

"If he is, then you really have nothing to worry about." Tikki shrugged, "besides, what you did last night was far beyond what I know you for."

"I know, and I'm sorry. But I just don't know what to do anymore..."

"You've heard how affectionate he is towards Ladybug." Tikki shrugged, "Maybe you should give him a chance?"

"No one can compare to Adrien. Mask or not." Marinette told Tikki as she walked into the school. She stopped by her locker, then headed to her first class with Ms. Bustier.

"Okay, class. Get out your Romeo and Juliet notes you took over the reading from last night!" Ms. Bustier announced just as Marinette walked in. Ever since Adrien was gone, she just started sitting in the front row by herself.

Alya leaned forward and tapped Marinette's shoulder, "Hey, Girl. Want to sit back here with Nino and I?"

"No, it's okay Alya. You two can have your own place to yourselves." Marinette tried to smile.

"Okay." Alya shrugged and sat back in her seat. Marinette let out a sigh, turned to the empty spot next to her, then turned back to the front of the classroom. However, not too long after, they all turned to see Mr. Damocles walk in. Following him was a boy with blonde hair.

"Oh, class. This is a new student who will be joining our class for the rest of the year." Ms. Bustier announced.

"This is Allan. I hope you all make him feel welcome." Mr. Damocles introduced the boy, who grinned a bright smile, "ah, why don't you sit here next to Marinette?"

"Thank you Mr. Damocles." Ms. Bustier thanked as the principal left, "Allan, we are just reviewing the notes the rest of the class took last night over Romeo and Juliet. If you could please get them out as well?"

Allan nodded and took out his tablet. Marinette eyed him carefully, then scooted over a little farther from him.

"Hey." Marinette gasped and turned to look at Allan, who had leaned a little closer to her, "I'm Allan."

"I know. I heard." Marinette forced a smile, "nice to meet you."

"I never got your name."

"Uh, Marinette."

"That is a lovely name, Marinette." Allan smiled charmingly, "it is a pleasure to meet you, my lady." Allan took her hand and kissed it.

"Oh, u-uh, you too? I guess?" Marinette stammered as she yanked her hand back. She peeked over at Alya, who was just sitting in her seat trying her hardest to contain her laughter.

Alya, I'll kill you later... Marinette glared at her. By the end of the class, Marinette stood up quickly and tried to run off before Allan could stop her. But to her dismay, he grabbed her hand.

"May I have the honor of accompanying you to your next class?" Allan smiled, his white teeth, his spearmint breath, charming her to giving in.

"I-I'm fine, thanks anyways." Marinette stuttered.

"Oh please, just this once?" Allan now held her hand in both his hands, his blue eyes sparkling, which made Marinette's heart skip a beat.

"U-uuh..." Marinette turned to Alya, who just shrugged, then gestured to Allan, "j-just this once..." Marinette blushed and chuckled nervously as he took her arm and led her out of the room.

"I think Marinette's finally moved on!" Nino observed.

"Man, I feel so bad for her, though... After what happened to Adrien." Alya sighed.


"So you said yes?" Tikki asked.

"Well, I mean, you know how charming he was acting towards me..." Marinette groaned as she laid on her bed when she got home from school.

Tikki sighed, "Marinette, but you can't go on a date with Allan!"

"Why not? What's stopping me?"

"I don't know... I feel like Cat Noir likes you..."

Marinette stared at Tikki, then started laughing hysterically, "Cat Noir?! Like me?! Haha! How could he like someone like me? Well, even if he did like me, I don't know.... Sure he cares about me and saved my life, but that's his job. Other than that, he can be a little over-confident... sometimes... most times... I don't know. Allan just reminds me so much of Adrien..."

"We'll see..." Tikki shrugged, "I'm not the one controlling your love life, so do what you want."

Suddenly, they saw a figure outside her window. She ran up to the window and opened it. She looked around, then felt something get tucked behind her ear. She looked up and saw Cat Noir sitting above her.

"Hey there, my Lady."

"I'm not your Lady." Marinette smirked, "that's Ladybug, isn't it?" She moved and let Cat Noir slip through the window and onto her bed.

"Well, with her gone, that's a bit complicated." Cat Noir explained, "besides, it's kind of my job to watch you now. How was school?"

"Fine." Marinette said, then she heard her phone ding. She picked it up and sat on the edge of her bed as she checked the text.

Hey there, My Lady. Can't wait for tonight. I have something I want to give you.

It was a text from Allan.

I can't wait either. I'll see you at the Pont des Arts.

"Who are you texting?"

"STOP READING MY TEXTS!" Marinette held her phone to her chest as she turned to see Cat Noir peeking over her shoulder.

"You have a date?!"

"Yeah. There's a new kid in our class named Allan, and he sat next to me. Next to where Adrien usually sits." Marinette explained.

"But..." Cat Noir looked at her, then down at her bed sheets, "congratulations."

"...Um..." Marinette read Cat Noir's expressions.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm proud of you. But just one question: Is he nice?"

"Uh, yeah, I guess." Marinette shrugged, "I don't know him too well yet."

"I'm surprised you could just move on from Adrien like that." Cat Noir shrugged, "that's all."

"Yeah, he's nice. Why?"

"I just... I just don't want you to put your trust in some idiot who doesn't treat you the way you deserve to be treated." Cat Noir looked at her, emotion swelling in his green eyes.

"I promise I'll be fine." Marinette put her hand on his shoulder, "look, I need to get ready for tonight."

"What are you wearing?"

"I'm thinking just this red plaid skirt with this black sleeveless top." Marinette showed him her outfit.

"With these shoes. You'd look gorgeous." Cat Noir said as he rummaged through her closet and held out a pair of red flats.

"Thank you." Marinette smiled as she took the shoes and smiled up at him. He forced a smile which was rather obvious to her. She went behind her screen and started changing.

"So, I guess I hope you have fun, then..." Cat Noir called as he turned away.

"I'm sure I will." Marinette said. She finally finished and stepped out. Cat Noir turned to look at her, and just as he'd thought, she did look gorgeous. He smiled as she grabbed her purse and walked up to him, "thanks for everything, Cat Noir. I'll be back in about an hour or two." She hugged him, then walked off.

"Bye." Cat Noir waved lightly as she left. He cringed, then slid out the window. He watched her as she walked off towards the bridge, "time to meet this Allan kid..." With that, he followed Marinette overhead, jumping from building to building.

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