Chapter 9

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"Do you like ice skating?" Allan asked Marinette as they walked down the sidewalk, hand in hand.

"Yeah! I mean, I'm not, like, a figure skater, but just skating around a rink is so much fun!" Marinette smiled.

"Okay, good. Because that's where I'm taking you." Allan smiled and pointed to the indoor ice rink.

"Huh, is that so..." Cat Noir whispered as he watched the two of them walk through the doors and into the ice rink. He stood up and jumped down, getting in through the back.

"So can you ice skate?" Marinette asked as they hobbled into the rink on their skates.

"Watch." Allan said as he skated forward, did a quick turn, spun a few times, and continued to skate gracefully, "I used to do hockey."

"That's cool! Of course I'm not as good as you." Marinette giggled as she skated around a little. Allan took her hand and they skated around the rink past other skaters as they talked and laughed.

"I need to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back." Allan told her as they got off the rink for a minute. She nodded as he walked off.

Marinette walked around, watching other skaters, then noticed another ice rink that had the lights out, which made the ice rink look darker. She walked over to it and saw only one person skating. She walked up to the door and was fascinated by this one boy. She gasped when he skated over to her.

"Hey there, my Lady." Cat Noir smiled.

"You're actually really good, for a clumsy cat," Marinette smirked.

"Uh, for the record, you shoved me off the railing that one night, that was not me..." Cat Noir laughed, "come join me! It's way more fun when it's empty and dark."

"Allan might--"

"He'll be fine." Cat Noir immediately said.

Marinette eyed him, then got onto the ice. They skated around a little, and Cat Noir looked at her happily, smiling.

"Have you ever tried dancing on the ice?"

"Huh? You mean like... Just, dancing?" Marinette turned to him as he took her hand and brought her to the center of the rink.

"No, not break-dancing or anything. Couples' skating."

"I've seen it on tv and always wanted to try with Adrien, but..." Marinette looked away, but Cat Noir only smiled at her. He held her chin up to look at him. He held her hand out, put her other hand on his shoulder, and he put his hand on her waist, "I don't know how to do this. What if I just fall on my face?!"

"You won't."

"I'm the clumsiest person on the planet!"

"You're not. And I won't let you fall. I've got you." Cat Noir looked intently into her eyes, and she looked into his intense green eyes, "do you trust me?"

"... Of course..."

"Close your eyes. Then loosen up. I feel how tense you are." Cat Noir smirked, "and just move your feet with mine, then move with me."

Marinette nodded as she shut her eyes. Cat Noir moved his feet into a 180 turn, Marinette following him. She gasped when she slipped, but Cat Noir held her up.

"Don't worry, I got you." Cat Noir reassured her as he helped her stand back up. She exhaled and just moved with Cat Noir.

They spun around the empty ice rink as if they were the only people in the world. She opened her eyes and looked up at him as they continued to skate.

"See? You're really getting this." Cat Noir laughed as Marinette laughed. They finally just started skating around, chasing each other and playing tag. When she tagged him, they tripped over each other and fell onto the ice, sliding to the center. They both laughed as Cat Noir laid on top of Marinette. He got up off of her and helped her up, but their laughs suddenly dissipated when they saw Allan standing outside the rink. Cat Noir saw the look on her face, and she skated out to the door and got off the ice, walking up to Allan.

"Hey, I was wondering where you were. Imagine my surprise when I went back to the rink and you weren't there." Allan said as he held Marinette's hands.

"Oh yeah, haha. Sorry. I saw Cat Noir in here and I came to skate with him. He's a really good friend." Marinette smiled as Cat Noir walked up to the two of them, "Cat Noir, this is Allan, my boyfriend."

Cat Noir cringed at the word.

"And Allan," Marinette continued, "this is Cat Noir."

"I didn't know you knew him!" Allan smiled as he held out his hand to him, "nice to meet you."

"Marinette's definitely told me a lot about you." Cat Noir forced a smile, "nice to meet you." He took Allan's hand a little too tight, because he felt a crack that made him feel a tad more satisfied.

"Wow, strong grip." Allan chuckled as he took back his hand and swung it a little, "let's get going, Marinette."

"Right." Marinette smiled as Allan took her hand, then to Cat Noir's horror, he leaned in and kissed Marinette. Hard. And she kissed him back. Cat Noir bit his lip as to keep from tearing the kid to pieces. Then he saw. He saw Allan peek up at Cat Noir, and he immediately knew: This Allan kid is trying to make him jealous.

Oh yeah... I'm jealous all right... But you've just messed with the wrong cat. Cat Noir's bloody thoughts ran through his head as he stared daggers at Allan. Allan finally pulled away.

"We'll continue this later." Allan told Marinette, who just dazily nodded, "why don't you head out and return your skates. I've done that already, and I'll be out in a sec."

"Okay." Marinette answered as she walked off.

Allan turned to Cat Noir and faced him. They were about the same height, but Cat Noir was still a few millimeters taller, "okay, listen up, Cat. You'd better stay away from Marinette."

"And why should I do that?" Cat Noir crossed his arms.

"Because if you don't, then there'll be consequences." Allan threatened.

"Look, I've been her best friend longer than you might think, and have also been her guardian. So maybe you're the one who needs course adjustment."

"Pssh. Whatever." Allan shook his head and walked off.

"Do you even realize who you're dealing with here?" Cat Noir asked as if Allan were still there, then turned and walked into the darkness of the rink and headed out the door, "I'm Adrien Agreste."

And the door slammed shut behind him.

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