I'll always keep you safe (Grant Gustin)

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It's been two years with Grant yes the Grant Gustin is my boyfriend. Tonight we where at a bar having fun with Danielle(plays dr. Snow) Candice(plays iris),Carlos(plays cisco),Rick(plays eddie),Robbie(plays ronny aka firestorm), and Emily(plays felicity). We where here to have fun for Emily's birthday. We have been here for about three hours I haven't had one drink so I'm going to get one I go to get up and I hear,the voice I oh so love very much talk to me
Grant: hey baby where you going?
(Y/n): oh just to get a drink.
Grant: ok do you want me to come with you??
(Y/n): oh no honey I'm ok and very capable of getting a drink. Thank you though I love you babe.
Grant: I love you too baby cake.
I then walked over to the bar and stood at the counter the bartender was busy so I waited and while I was waiting a guy came up next to me. The guy then started taking to me, but I could tell he was wasted because the smell on his breath
Random dude: hey sweet thang your lookin pritty dang nice, but I think you'd look nicer out of that dress.
(Y/n): ummm sorry I have a boyfriend and I don't want to thank you very much.
Random guy: oh come on! names jack don't you like all this!
He said ponting to himself in a up and down gesture.
(Y/n): ummm no.
I say grossed out just then the bartender came over
Bartender: hay doll what so you want?
(Y/n): I'll have a whiskey if that's ok bill?
Bill: anything for you doll.
Bill is like a dad to me he always looks out for me and was a good friend to my father before he died then he helped my mum take care of me. Bill walked away and jack started talking again and I roled my eyes at him.
Jack: you know him?
(Y/n): yes now please leave me alone.
Bill came back and gave me my drink I went to go pay it, but then bill said his same old thing.
Bill: on the house baby doll. No daughter of mine has to pay.
Y/n: oh bill your to much love you!
I yell out to him as I turn around to leave.
Bill: love you to baby doll!
He yells as I start to walk away,but as I am jack slaps my butt I turn around shocked and tell him....
(Y/n): hey back off that is mine and not yours so just back the bloody hell up!
He smerks and I walk over to Grant and try to look happy. once I get back to the group I sit down next to Grant, but quietly hiss in pain and move off the side of my butt that hurts and like I feared Grant saw and asked what was wrong.
Grant: hey baby girl you ok? You look like your in pain.
No duh wonder why idiot jack I think to myself.
(Y/n): y...y..yes i...i..I'm really f...f...fine.
I said on the verge of tears because it hurt so bad.
Later I'm talking to Em and Grant walks off she says
Em: hey (y/n/n) you ok? I saw what that guy did. You should tell Grant.
(Y/n): y....
I went to talk but was cut off by Grant.
Grant: tell me what?
I slap my forehead and say
(Y/n): great thanks Em!
Em: heheheh your welcome!
She giggled it uggg whyed she giggle. She left and Grant wraps his arms around me and asks me again.
Grant: now what did you want to tell me??
(Y/n): umm that guy over there? do you see him?
I ask him while pointing at jack.
Grant: yes, but what about him??
(Y/n): well he umm slapped me on the butt and it still hurts so Em was making sure I was ok because she saw.
His face changes from I'm listening to you to anger he then....
(Y/n): no Grant don't go fight him can we just go home??
Grant sighed then grabbed my hand I told Em we where leaving and she understood. We where on our way out when I was pulled away from grant.
(Y/n): GRANT!!
he looks back and sees jack and jump punches him then yells at him
Bill pulls him off and the rest of our group comes over try's to help. Bill can't hold him off very well and Grant gets past him. Carlos and the other guy pull him back. We eventually get him out to the car and Carlos puts him in the passenger seat while I get in the drivers. Carlos comes round to my side and gives me a small hug though the window. He then whispers in my ear.
Carlos: do you think you can handle him from here?
Y/n: yeah I think I can thank you Car, your the best.
Carlos: alright call if you need me.
Y/n: I will, bye Car.
Carlos: bye!
I roll up the window then drive off with a almost out Grant in the passenger side of our car.
we get in the house after I help him up to the door and open it. I sit him on the couch him groaning as I go get the first aid kit. I come back in and take care of his wounds from his fight. When I'm done I move the first aid kit to our little coffee table then I start to lay on the couch with him. It's quite for a bit then I move my head off his chest a bit.
(Y/n): Grant baby you didn't have to do that
Grant: yes I did because it's my job to protect you and I did that I will always protect you and with that he kissed me passionately. After all that we were so tired that we just slept in each other's arms on the couch.

The end........
hope you liked it my baby penguins!

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