Finding out. (Pregnacy series) (Grant Gustin)

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Word count: 1429
(Y/n)'s prov:
I wake up in mine and my husband's Grants bed. I go to rub his side of the bed to find out he's not here. I sit up and rub my eyes. Just as I sit up I get the feeling to throw up. I sit there for a minute and try to figure out if I'm going to be sick or not. After a minute I get up and dart to the bathroom, throwing myself on the floor by the toilet only to puke up all of last nights contents. Grant comes running in and sits next to me holding my hair for me.
Grant: baby really we need to take you to the doctors.
Y/n: I already have——-
I start to puke again and he rubs my back.
Grant: awww baby. I'm here I'm here let it all out.
When I'm finished, I stand up and brush my teeth. Then I turn to grant, I have a feeling I know what this is. I just can't tell him though, not till I know at least.
Grant: are you good snowflake?
Y/n: y......y......yeah. I'm good. Don't worry I have a appointment this afternoon.
I say wiping my face with a towel.
Grant: aww I can't be there. Are you ok with going by yourself?
Y/n: yes babe I should be totally fine.
I giggle as I pat him on the chest and walk out of our on-sweet bathroom. Coming into our room, he follows behind me. Once in our room I do the normal and go pick out clothes for both of us. I walk back out and hand him his. He kisses me in the cheek then runs off to the bathroom. He changes and then runs to the kitchen to make himself some coffee. I put my comfy clothes on, then walk over to my desk and grab my computer and phone. I then walk down stairs, I walk over to the couch and put my stuff down. I walk into the kitchen and see Grant. His back is turned to me so I go over to him and hug him from behind. I snuggle into his back as he chuckles.
Grant: hi baby.
Y/n: hi.
Grant: I made you breakfast. I can't eat with you, but I love you and I'll eat with you tomorrow yeah?
He turns around and engulfs me into his arms kissing my forehead.
Y/n: yeah. I love you too. Also thank you babe.
Grant: you sure your ok I can ask my sister to go with you.
Y/n: no no I'll be fine. I don't wanna bother her she has a life of her own. I promise I'll text you when I get out.
Grant: ok. Do you wanna do lunch today.
He then turns and pours his coffee as we continue to talk.
Y/n: yeah. I'll come down to the studio as soon as my appointment is over.
He starts to head out of the kitchen and to the door. I walk behind him, at the door he grabs his sweater and keys.
Grant: ok. I love you sweetheart.
Y/n: I love you to.
He hugs me and kisses me. I cuddle into him for a moment and just enjoy his embrace. He chuckles and holds me close for the moment.
Gran: I have to go baby. I'll see you at lunch. I love you.
Y/n: I love you to.
I peck his lips then, I watch as he goes and gets in his car. Just before actually getting in he turns and waves at me. I wave back as I lean against the door frame. He finally gets all the way in and drives off. I push myself off the side of the door frame and walk back in. I close the door and look at the time. I have a few hours before my appointment so I go and sit on the couch for a few and play on my computer while watching mindless tv.
I sit there for a few hours before looking at the clock and see that I have to go to the hospital soon. Seeing this makes me get up and go get ready. I get dressed in a nice flowery and flowie dress seeing as I will be seeing grant in a few minutes as well. I also curl my hair lightly and do a small bit of makeup. I then grab my sunglasses and my purse, putting it in between the the fold of my elbow. I grab my baby blue sweater and keys. I then head to my car after locking the house door.
After driving to the hospital down the street, I park the car and get out. I lock the car and walk into the hospital. Once in the lobby I walk up to the pregnancy center and the nurse looks up at me.
Nurse: ello. How can I help you dear?
Y/n: I'm here for my appointment?
Nurse: name?
She looks at her computer and looks back up at me.
Y/n: y/n gustin.
Nurse: ahhh here you are. Yes she will be out for you in a moment.
Y/n: thank you!
I go and sit in a chair by the door. As I wait I pull out my phone and see a text from Grant.
Thomas 😍💍-
Hey baby did you make it to the doctor ok?
I sit there and smile at the text then reply.
Yeah babe going in, in a few. I love you. 😘
Thomas 😍💍-
ok I'm glad. Love you to baby 😘                              I smile at the text just as my name is called out.
Nurse: y/n!!
Y/n: right here.
I walk over to her and she shows me to my exam room.
Nurse: the doctor should be in a a bit.
Y/n: thank you.
I wait a few minutes. Then she walks in.
Doctor: hi I'm doctor Lukas and I'll be doing you ultrasound today. Would you mind laying back for me?
I do as she asks and lay down for her. She move my hospital gown over a little and starts to push on my belly a bit. I look at her and she is quick to reassure me.
Doctor Lukas: don't worry I'm just checking your stomach before. To see if you are correct and you my dear seem to be.
Y/n: wait are you positive.
Doctor Lukas: that's why I'm going to do a ultrasound just in case. Now be prepared this will be cold.
I flinch a little and giggle. She rubs the probe on my stomach and a little dot shows up on her screen. She points to it.
Doctor Lukas: there is your baby. Congrats you are five weeks pregnant.
She takes a few pictures for me then hands them to me as I put my shirt back down after cleaning the gel of if my stomach. She then asks me some questions.
Doctor Lukas: ok have you started morning sickness yet?
Y/n: yes.
Doctor Lukas: how bad is it because I can definitely get you something for that.
Y/n: it's not that bad. It's really only after I wake up.
She asks a couple more questions then gives me my prenatal vitamins. I then walk out and schedule next months appointment. I then get in the car and text Grant.
Hay baby I'm out and on my way.
Ok. I'll see you when you get here.
I put my keys in and start driving. As I'm driving I'm trying to think out how to tell him.
I eventually get to the studio and walk in. He sees me and walks over to me. He hugs me and kisses me.
Grant: hi baby. how did it go?
Y/n: good doctor said all it is a small stomach bug.
What? I didn't lie to him. It's our small stomach bug that is in my stomach.
Grant: good. I was worried there for a minute. He chuckles then kisses my forehead.
Grant: let me just go get my sweater.
He walks off and Candice comes over.
Candice: hi y/n.
Y/n: hi.
She hugs me and grant comes back. He kisses my forehead again and we start to head out. We both get into our cars and head to our restaurant and have lunch. When done he kisses me goodbye and I go the store........

Grant Gustin/Barry Allen I&P (Requests are Open) Where stories live. Discover now